Lesson 1


1. Match the words to their definition.

1. temple e. A building used for a religious reason.
2. landmark c. An important building or object that is easy to be seen from a distance.
3. myth a. An ancient story that may or not be true.
4. heritage site d. A place which has a historic importance.
5. picturesque b. A word to describe something beautiful and possibly old.


2. Complete the tour guide’s talk using the words in the box. Listen and check your answers.

lesson 1(14)

Welcome to this (1) picturesque location on the banks of the River Nile. We are now at a very important (2) landmark called Kom Ombo. What is Kom Ombo? Well, it is a (3) temple dedicated to Sobek and Horus. You can see images of them on these stone (4) columns. Not far away we can see how the (5) remains of the nearby town are mostly buried in sand. Now, here you can see a small water well. Some believe sacred crocodiles were kept in the water here but others think it is just a (6) myth. This is a very popular (7) tourist attraction especially for cruise ships sailing along the Nile between Luxor and Aswan. Although there is no large (8) port for ships to stop at, you can still get on and off them nearby. UNESCO has classified this monument as a World (9) Heritage Site, and I hope you appreciate why.

3. Put the dialogue into the correct order. Listen and check.

1. B. Hi Imad. So, are you ready to start with the homework?

2. I. Hello Taha. Yes, but I really can’t decide what the most important landmark in Egypt is.

3. D. What about the Valley of the Kings?

4. G. Yes, that’s a good suggestion. It’s an important heritage site with so much to teach us but let’s not forget about The Egyptian Museum.

5. C. I’m not so sure about that. The museum isn’t as picturesque as the Necropolis in Giza, for example.

6. F. That’s a good point. Perhaps we should choose the most beautiful monument.

7. E. I don’t agree. Cultural heritage is more important because this is something that defines a culture.

8. H. That’s true. Then what about the pyramids at Giza?

9. A. A Yes, I agree. The pyramids are probably the best option, I think.

4. Look at the expressions in bold in the dialogue. Divide them into expressions to agree or disagree. Write in your notebook.

Agree: Yes, I agree. That’s a good point. Yes, that’s a good suggestion. That’s true.
Disagree: I’m not so sure about that. I don’t agree.