
1. Write the words and phrase that match the definitions.


1. An adjective to describe that you are part of the same family as another person: related.
2. When things happen at the same time in a way that seems surprising or unusual: coincidence.
3. A person who can help you with legal problems: lawyer.
4. Someone who commits a crime: criminal.
5. A synonym for ‘killing a person’: murdering.
6. The action of moving a boat on water using long sticks: rowing.
7. To stop thinking about something which is negative: take my mind off.
8. The drops of water which fall from your eyes when you are sad: tears.
9. When a person is told officially they did not commit a crime: acquitted.

2. Which is the best summary of what happens in this chapter?

Summary 1: Pip goes to visit Miss Havisham and she is very happy to see him. He asks her to help his friends and to explain why she did not tell him the truth years ago. Although Estella says she feels the same way about him, she tells Pip that she is going to marry another man. In the theatre Pip sees the convict that is following him and starts to plan his escape by train.

Summary 2: Pip is a lot more direct with Miss Havisham and expresses to her how unhappy he is about not being told the truth. Miss Havisham feels bad about this and offers to fulill Pip’s request to help her relatives, the ones who Pip has been living with. Pip also discovers that Estella is now married.

3. Complete the sentences with the words from Exercise 1.

1. I need to go out and do some exercise to take my mind off all the exams I have next week.
2. Rowing is a very good water sport to make your legs and arms stronger.
3. My mum had. tears in her eyes while she was watching the sad film.
4. I can’t believe we are both wearing the same T-shirt. What a coincidence!
5. Police are looking for a dangerous criminal, he is accused of murdering someone.
6. They have been acquitted by the court. They had a very good lawyer.
7. My grandmother told me yesterday that we are related to a famous writer.

4. Circle True or False and correct the false sentences in your notebook.

1. Bentley Drummle was sad when he spoke to Pip. True / False,Bentley was happy when he spoke to Pip.
2. Mr Jaggers is the lawyer of Pip’s benefactor and Miss Havisham’s lawyer too. True /False
3. Miss Havisham told Pip she was his benefactor. True / False, Miss Havisham did not tell Pip she was his benefactor. Miss Havisham misled Pip by letting him continue to believe she was his benefactor.
4. Miss Havisham wants to compensate Herbert and Matthew Pocket for misleading them. True / False
5. Pip tells Estella that he does not love her. True / False, Pip tells Estella that he loves her.
6. Provis agreed to escape abroad with Pip in a boat. True / False
7. Pip had rowed a boat before and did not need to practise every day. True / False, Pip had not rowed a boat before.
8. Pip went to the theatre with Mr Wopsle to watch a play. True/ False, Pip went to the theatre and watched Mr Wopsle perform in a play.

5. Find how these ideas are expressed in the story.

1. I saw a man outside the inn. I noticed the man outside the inn …
2. Mr Jaggers has no connection with this. Mr Jaggers has nothing to do with this.
3. I can’t believe you love him. Surely you don’t love him.
4. They are both kind people but some of your other family members are not kind! They are both good people – not like some of your other relatives!
5. I’m sorry I misled Herbert and Matthew Pocket. How can I compensate for that? What can I do to thank Herbert and Matthew Pocket?
6. I don’t feel the same way about you as you do about me. I don’t share your feelings.
7. Herbert and I were worried that Provis was in danger. Herbert and I feared for Provis.
8. One evening in February, to think of something that did not make me sad, I went to the theatre. One evening in February, to take my mind off my sad thoughts, I went to the theatre.

6. Use the ideas to write sentences using the past modals (modal + have + past participle).

1. It was impossible that Pip knew he was going to meet Bentley Drummle in the inn. (can’t) Pip can’t have known he was going to meet Bentley Drummle in the inn.
2. Miss Havisham clearly expected Pip to be angry when he discovered the news. (must) Miss Havisham must have expected Pip to be angry when he discovered the news.
3. Pip thought it was a bad idea for Miss Havisham to mislead him. (should not) Pip thought that Miss Havisham should not have misled him.
4. Pip told Miss Havisham that she was not kind to her family and this was not a good idea. (should) Pip told Miss Havisham that she should have been kind to her family.
5. It was clear that Mr Wemmick knew Pip would be in danger. (must) Mr Wemmick must have known that Pip would be in danger.

7. Write the sentences using would to express a past habit.

1. When / young / Pip / think / Estella a lot. When he was young, Pip would think about Estella a lot.
2. Miss Havisham / wear / wedding dress / even though / not getting married. Miss Havisham would always wear her wedding dress even though she was not getting married.
3. When / Pip / young / believe everything / Miss Havisham said. When Pip was young, he would believe everything Miss Havisham said.
4. Pip / often go rowing / on the river. Pip would often go rowing on the river.