Lesson 2


1. Match to make phrases for environmental problems.

1. cause b. pollution

2. damage c. the environment

3. use d. too much water

4. leave a. rubbish

2. Many adjectives end in -al. Complete the table.

adjective noun
1. environmental environment
natural 2. nature
3. musical music
4. traditional tradition

3. Choose the correct words.

1. The desert is a difficult environment environmental to live in.
2. Tourists love to visit tradition / traditional villages.
3. Storms and floods are nature / natural events.
4. We like playing music / musical together.
5. Cars in the desert can cause environment / environmental problems.


4. What do you think is going to happen? Write sentences.


1. It is going to rain.

2. Number Four/The girl is going to win the race.

3. The waiter is going to fall over.

4. The man’s hat is going to blow away/come off./The wind is going to blow off the man’s hat.