Lesson 5


1. Match to make activities.

1. horse c. riding

2. bird a. watching

3. rock d. climbing

4. star b. gazing

2. Complete the dialogue with these words.


Baher: Would you like to come diving next weekend, Imad? We're going to go to a coral reef!

Imad: I don't know. Diving under water looks a bit (1) scary to me.

Baher: If you don't like going under water, you could stay on the boat.

Imad: I think I'd (2) get cold and (3) bored on the boat.

Baher: Why don't you snorkel? Then you don't go under water but you can see the fish.

Imad: Yes, That might be (4) fun.

Baher: Great! Let's all snorkel. We don't need a boat, we can go from the beach!

Imad: Thanks, I'd (5) love to.


3. Are the following expressions positive (T), negative (F) or not sure (?) ?

1. I'd get cold and bored. F

2. It looks a bit scary. F

3. I've always wanted to do that. T

4. It might be fun. ?

5. I'd love to do that. T

6. It looks really exciting. T