Lesson 2


1. Answer the questions.

1. If you have similar interests with someone, do you like or dislike the same things?

You like the same things.

2. If you feel lonely, are you sad because people have said bad things about you, or because you feel you have no friends with you?

It is because you feel you have no friends with you.

3. Is a secret something that you don't want other people to know, or something you want to tell everyone?

It is something that you don't want other people to know.

4. If you show understanding, are you being clever, or showing that you understand a person's situation?

You are showing that you understand a person's situation.


2. Choose the correct answer.

1. I'll tell you a secret, but you ..... tell anyone!

a. mustn't

b. don't have to

c. might not

2. You ..... say unkind things to people on social media.

a. don't have to

b. shouldn't

c. might not

3. Tarek is worried because he ..... do badly in his exams.

a. must

b. has to

c. might

4. My father ..... go to work at 6 am tomorrow, for a meeting.

a. might

b. has to

c. should

5. ....... you know the password before you can use that computer.

a. might

b. should

c. must

6. ..... get up early tomorrow, because it is a holiday!

a. don't have to

b. shouldn't

c. mustn't


3. Answer the questions.

1. What must or mustn't you do when you use a library?

You must read quietly. You mustn't talk loudly.

2. What should or shouldn't you do when you go to a swimming pool?

You should take a towel. You shouldnt run.

3. What do you have to do at home to help your parents? What do you not have to do?

You have to tidy your room. You don't have to cook for everyone.