Lesson 4


1. Complete the crossword.


1. Your ..... health shows the health of your mind, or how happy you are. mental

2. Take air in and out of your body. breath

4. Become comfortable and less worried. relax


3. Being able to think calmly about your feelings and what is around you at the moment. mindfulness

5. What you feel, such as happy, upset, etc. feelings


2. Complete the sentences with these words.


Ashraf: I understand my feelings better now. For example, when I feel angry, I play a sport. I usually find I play better.

Lamar: It's a nice, sunny day in spring. My friends want me to play a game with them, but I'm feeling anxious. We had a test last week and I did badly.

We have another test next week and I don't think it will be easier.

Mariam: It's morning. I can hear the wind in the trees and the birds singing. I am breathing slowly and carefully.