Lesson 3


1. Complete the sentences with these words.


1. Although Reem's brother is only five, Reem always includes him in her games.

2. The review of the book has nothing negative to say about it. It sounds great.

3. You must tell your parents or the teacher if someone tries to cyberbully you online.

4. My grandmother always jokes and makes us laugh when we visit her.


2. Circle the correct words.

1. Our class had to / could do a test this morning.

2. We weren't able to / didn't have to walk to the museum, because there was a bus.

3. Fatma didn't have to / was not able to walk to school because she hurt her heg.

4. Tarek had to / was able to go to the dentist because his teeth hurt.

5. In the mountains, we could / were able see an amazing waterfall.

6. It was very windy, so planes were not able / could not to leave the airport.


3. Complete the story with these words. You can use them more than once.


Last week, my uncle took me out on his boat. I had to wear a special life jacket and he said I could walk carefully around the boat, but I couldn't run.

We travelled a long way, and after two hours, I couldn't see the beach only the sea. Then the engine stopped.

We tried to start it, but we couldn't.

I could swim well, but I knew that I couldn't swim to the beach. So my uncle was able to telephone for help. They said they could send a helicopter to help us.

However, suddenly the engine started again. So we didn't have to go home on a helicopter.