Practice Exercises 1

1. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. Dalia didn’t have ......... friends when she started at her new school.

A the

B some

C a

D any

2. In Egypt, students in primary school have to wear ......... uniform.

A the

B a

C an

D no article

3. The teacher gave us ....... homework for the next lesson.

A a

B many

C some

D any

4. What do you intend to study when you join the university? I ....... engineering.

A will study

B am going to study

C study

D would study

5. Why ........ you volunteer at the new youth club next summer?

A don’t

B didn’t

C do

D did

6. Did you ....... your arm yesterday?

A broke

B break

C breaking

D broken

7. We should ...... money to charities to help the poor.

A donate

B steal

C take

D refuse

8. The beach was really......., so we couldn’t find a place to sit.

A beautiful

B exotic

C crowded

D isolated

2. Fill in the gaps with one word.

Next week, our school 1 is holding a special event to help students to 2 learn/know what to do after their exams.
In the morning, we’re 3 going to watch videos about career choices and
listen to speeches by people with different jobs. I think we 4 will be able to ask questions,
but I’m not certain. In the afternoon, we’re going 5 to work in groups and do some more
research about the jobs we 6 are interested in.

3. Translate the following into Arabic.

1. Ecotourism aims at providing holidays to places which are endangered and isolated.

تهدف السياحة البيئية إلى تنظيم/توجيه الرحلات/ الاجازات الى الأماكن المعرضة للخطر والنائية

2. Try to avoid mixing with bad friends who have bad habits.

حاول أن تتجنب الاختلاط مع أصدقاء السوء الذين يمارسون العادات السيئة

5. Read the text and answer the questions.

1. Cyberbullying affects ......

A boys.

B girls.

C boys and girls.

2. Most teenagers have to .......

A talk to adults about cyberbullying.

B have been bullies.

C experience cyberbullying.

3. Cyberbullying is not .......

A unusual.

B anonymous.

C a problem.

4. Who needs to be safe online?

A friends

B adults

C everyone

5. What are the best ways of staying safe online?

The best ways of staying safe online is to report any problem.

6. What can you do if you discover someone you know is a cyberbully?

I must talk to an adult about him/her or report him/her on websites ( and the police can help).