Practice Exercises 3

1. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. ....... your parents usually donate blood?
Yes, they always do so.

A Do

B Did

C Why

D When

2. When Aya visited me I ........ my room. So, she offered to help me.

A decorate

B was decorating

C am decorating

D decorating

3. I remember ........ that young men last summer when I was in Sharm El Sheikh.

A to see

B see

C seeing

D had seen

4. Sadly, my uncle has been ill ......... he was a young man.

A for

B when

C ago

D since

5. The tennis player is ......... for doing a lot of voluntary work.

A admired

B not respected

C interested

D disliked

6. The Galapagos Islands in Ecuador are famous for the ........ animals such as the turtles which live there.

A unknown

B unique

C wild

D huge

7. The police ......... the young man of stealing the money.

A excused

B thanked

C accused

D rewarded

8. It is taken for ........ that bullying is a bad behaviour which we all must change.

A granted

B refusal

C denial

D decided

2. Fill in the gaps with one word.

Last year, we learnt about pollution at school, so in the summer I decided to 1 go on a volunteering holiday 2 with my friends.
We had to clean 3 the beaches along the north coast.
There 4 was a lot of plastic rubbish like water bottles and plates in the sand. We worked in teams, and each team cleaned a different part 5 of the beach.
We were careful not to damage 6 any shells or wildlife.

3. Translate the following into Arabic.

1. I remember playing that card game when I was a child.

اتذكر اني لعبت الكوتشينة عندما كنت طفلا

2. Which do you prefer: reading a poem or a short story?

أيهما تفضل قراءة قصيدة أم قراءة قصة قصيرة

4. Translate the following into English.

1. ولد روبرت ستيفنسن في اسكتلندا عام 1980 ومات من عمر يناهز 44 عام

Robert Stevenson was born in Scotland in 1850 and died when he was 44.

2. لقد انتهيت توا من تناول الغذاء وسوف أتصل بك في خلال عشر دقائق

Robert Stevenson was born in Scotland in 1850 and died when he was 44.

5. Read the text and answer the questions.

1. When was the first publication of Frankenstein?

A 2018

B 1818

C 1797

2. Mary Shelley was born in London and a ......

A poet.

B writer.

C philosopher.

3. Mary Shelley’s most famous book is .......

A a travel book.

B The Last Man.

C Frankenstein.

4. Frankenstein is a ........

A Gothic novel.

B comedy.

C poem.

6. Why do you think so many film versions of Frankenstein have been made?

Because it was a very famous novel. Or: Because it is a Gothic novel.