Practice Exercises 2

1. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. Have you finished ......... your room yet?

A to clean

B cleaning

C clean

D cleaned

2. I forgot .......... my calculator to school.

A bring

B bringing

C brought

D to bring

3. Basel offered ........ me with my homework.

A helped

B helping

C to help

D help

4. Egyptian cotton clothes ......... all over the world.

A are selling

B sell

C are sold

D sold

5. The ......... is the natural world around us.

A atmosphere

B environment

C location

D situation

6. I have a new .......... on my smartphone which helps me practise foreign languages.

A hack

B app

C connection

D scam

7. A person who writes poetry is called a .......

A journalist

B novelist

C poem

D poet

8. A novel is a long written ........

A article

B history

C story

D poem

2. Fill in the gaps with one word.

I am always careful when I 1 do my shopping online. I use a different password for each site, and my passwords 2 are usually quite complicated.
This is because I 3 had a bad experience once when I 4 was buying a pair of shoes online.
I got a strange email from the website and I 5 didn't know what to do with it.
In the end, I opened the email and my computer turned off and on again.
Some criminals 6 were/started attacking my computer.

3. Translate the following into Arabic.

1. The Internet of Things (IOT) is developing very fast in a lot of fields.

تطور انترنت الاشياء بسرعة جدا في كثير من المجالات

2. I’m going to buy some new clothes for the party next weekend.

سوف اشتري ملابس جديدة للحفلة في نهاية الاسبوع القادم

4. Translate the following into English.

اضطررت أن أعيد كتابة واجب اللغة الانجليزية لأني أجبت على سؤال بطريقة خاطئة

I had to rewrite the English homework because I (had) answered a question in a wrong way/wrongly.

سوف يستعمل الفندق الجديد مواد وطاقة امنة على البيئة

The new hotel will/is going to use environmentally/friendly/safe materials.

5. Read the text and answer the questions.

1. Why do travellers go to foreign countries?

A To see the sights.

B To meet new people.

C To take photographs.

2. Tourists do not usually …

A speak English.

B go to local restaurants.

C visit famous monuments.

3. Travellers try to …

A speak the local language.

B eat at fast food restaurants.

C go to famous beaches.

4. These days, tourists and travellers both …

A visit famous monuments.

B reduce their impact on the environment.

C eat at local restaurants.

5. What type of damage can tourism cause? Why is it important not to damage the places we visit?

Tourists can damage historic places, it is important not to damage them because they are very valuable /they represent the heritage of the country.