Lesson 1


1. Complete the sentences with the words below.


1. We don't usually use formal English when we send text messages.
2. In the world of technology, an innovator is someone who can improve or create new devices.
3. ASAP is an abbreviation of ‘as soon as possible’.

2. Replace the underlined words and phrases in the text messages with the correct abbreviation.

c gr8
e idk
g thx
b c u l8r
d plz
f 2moro

Hi Hamdi, I had so much fun this
morning! 1 laugh out loud LOL.
I was on TV, talking about tech, and I warned people not to open any strange emails.
It was 2 great gr8! They asked me to go back next week! I’ll 3 see you later c u l8r and I will tell you all about it.

Hey Nadia, 4 thanks thx for your help! I’m so glad you advised me to change the photos on my blog.
5 I don't know idk what I was thinking!
My dad warned me not to post personal information, but I didn’t think about the photos. I’ll change them 6 ASAP as soon as possible.

Yasser, why didn't you tell me that you can’t find my book? I asked you to look after it.
Can you 7 please plz look for it again and bring it to school 8 tomorrow 2moro.

3. Read the text messages again and answer the questions.

1. Who is angry? Medhat.
2. Who is happy to get advice? Judy.
3. Who did something wrong? Judy.
4. Who will give more information at a different time? Khalid.
5. Who cannot find something? Yasser.
6. Who is feeling happy? Khalid.

4. Match the sentences in reported speech with the sentences in direct speech.


1. a I warned people not to open any strange emails.
2. d They asked me to go back next week.
3. e You advised me to change the photos.
4. b My dad warned me not to post personal information.
5. c I asked you to look after it.