Lesson 4


2. Read the report and match the headings to the paragraphs.



The aim of this report is to summarise the findings of the survey into the time students spend using social media.


Between 2015 and 2020, we asked 1,200 students about the amount of time they spent using social media.
We also asked them how they used social media, and what they liked and disliked about using it.
We recorded our results and compared them.


Most of the students that we spoke to were surprised by how much time they spent on social media when they thought about it carefully.
Many students thought that they were spending too much time on social media and some students said that they would try to spend less time on social media.
Some students reported that at least one member of their family had made a negative comment about it.
However, almost all of the students reported that they enjoyed using social media and most of the students did not want to stop using it.
Most students used social media on their phones. The students used social media to keep in touch with their friends, and to follow their interests or hobbies.


In general, students enjoy social media and they are using it more often. However, it is making a small number of students worried because they feel that they are spending too much time on it.