
King Lear

1. Put the words into the correct group. Some words can be used as either a noun or a verb.


Verb: follow, guard, persuade, pretend, profit, reward.

Noun:​​​​​​ beggar, disbelief, guard, ports, profit, reward.

Adjective: faithful.

2. Complete the sentences using the words from Exercise 1.

1. All the ships had to remain in their ports due to the bad weather.
2. There was a guard at every door in the castle to help protect the king.
3. I will try to persuade my mother to let me go to the cinema tomorrow.
4. Look! Someone is offering a reward if we find the lost mobile phone.
5. If you get a benefit from something, you profit from it.
6. The police will follow the suspect to see where he goes.
7. My mother usually gives money to any beggar she sees on the street.
8. During the difficult times the soldiers remained faithful to the king.
9. The children pretend to be kings and queens when they are playing.
10. Everyone looked at him in disbelief when my brother said he wanted to climb the mountain.

3. Match the phrases with their meaning.

1. to get here, d. arrive at a place
2. to call out, c. speak loudly to people can hear you far away
3. a stab in the back, a. when a friend breaks your trust
4. to have your heart broken, f. how you feel when someone you love hurts you
5. to plot against, e. plan in secret with others to do something
6. to change your mind, b. to have a different opinion from before

4. Read the sentences and replace the phrases in bold with phrases from Exercise 3.

1. When my brother closed the door on my fingers, I shouted for help. called out
2. It looks like the football players are secretly planning against the coach as they don’t like him. plotting against
3. It was like deception when my friend told my classmates my secret. a stab in the back
4. When the character died at the end of the film, I felt very sad. my heart was broken
5. At the last minute, my sister always has a different opinion about what to wear. changes her mind
6. The students were almost late for the exam but arrived just in time. got here

5. Put the events from the play in the order in which they happened.

a. Edmund told Gloucester that Edgar planned to kill him. 4
b. Edgar runs away to avoid getting arrested. 2
c. The King is unhappy about how his daughter has behaved. 8
d. The fool promises to stay with the King. 7
e. Edgar changes his appearance. 5
f. King Lear is surprised when he sees Kent. 6
g. Edmund pretends to fight with his brother. 1
h. Edmund pretends his brother cut his arm. 3

6. Write the characters’ names next to what they said. Then listen and check.


1. Edmund asked his brother if they could talk.
2. Gloucester said it was a stab in the back.
3. Edmund called out to his father for help.
4. Regan asked if his son had really tried to kill him.
5. Cornwall asked if anyone was following Edgar.
6. Edgar said he would change his clothes.
7. King Lear asked why they didn’t want to speak to him.
8. Regan asked her father to go back to her sister’s house.