Lesson 1


Match the environmental problems with the photos. Which of these problems do you think is the most serious for our planet? Use your dictionary for difficult words.

1. deforestation

2. warmer seas

3. rubbish in landfill sites

4. melting ice

5. air pollution


Look through the unit. Where do you find seagrass?

you find it along the coasts in our seas and oceans.


Find out how much of the Amazon rainforest is lost each year.

Around 315 thousands km2 a year.


1. Listen to the radio programme. Which of the environmental problems on page 12 will this project help to stop?

rubbish in landfill sites.

2. Listen again and answer the questions.

1. Where is this project happening? In Caira, Giza and Fayoum.

2. How many women volunteers are there? There are over 400.

3. What do the volunteers ask the families to do? They ask them to put their rubbish into three bins.

4. What do the volunteers give the families for this rubbish? Money.

5. What will the volunteers do with the rubbish? They will recycle it.


3. Complete the sentences using the words in brackets.

1. Our environment will be cleaner ( recycle / our rubbish). if we recycle our rubbish.

2. If our seas become warmer, ( coral reefs/ die). coral reefs will die.

3. If we burn plastic rubbish, ( pollute/ the air). we'll pollute the air.

4. We'll save water ( only take/ showers). if we only take showers.

5. Climate change will get worse ( not take/ more action now). if we don't take more action now.


4. Discuss these questions in small groups.

1. Do you think that the recycling project in Giza, Cairo and Fayoum is a good idea? Why? Yes, I believe it is a very good idea because it is going to help save our planet and reduce rubbish.

2. What does your family do with waste plastic, paper and metal? My family tries their best to recycle waste plastic, paper and metal.

3. What will happen if we don't recycle rubbish? We will have more rubbish in landfill sites.