Lesson 4


1. Read the blog about the Reform Studio in Cairo. What is made there?

They make colourful bags, chairs and small carpets.

2. Look at the words in red. Use a dictionary to check the meanings. Then write them in your notebook.

weaving: making cloth by crossing threads under and over each other.

traditional: being part of the traditions of a country or group of people.

weaver: a person who does weaving as a job.

Loom: a machine used for weaving.

thread: along piece of cotton, silk etc. used to make or sew cloth.

fabric: cloth, a type of material.

3. Read the blog again and match to make sentences.

1. There aren't many d. traditional weavers in Egypt today.

2. Mariam and Hend wanted c. to do something about plastic waste.

3. They found a way of e. making thread from plastic bags.

4. The long threads a. are made into fabric on looms.

5. They made chairs, bags b. and small carpets from the plastic fabric.