Lesson 2


1. Discuss this question in pairs. Do you know what causes climate change and what we can do to help stop it?

pollution and warming the seas cause climate change, we can use bicycles instead of cars to help stop it.

2. Read the article. What produces a lot of carbon dioxide?

Burning fossil fuels, such as oil.

3. Complete using words from the list.


1. the sun gives us this solar energy.
2. a greenhouse gas fromlandfill sites methane.
3. oil is one of these fossil fuels.
4. clean energy from the sun or wind renewable energy.
5. to take in a liquid or a gas absorb.

4. Now write definitions for the other words in bold in the article in your notebook. You can use a dictionary.

drought: a long time without rain, leading to not having enough water.

climate change: changing weather patterns caused by global warming.

greenhouse gases: gases in the Earth's atmosphere that help to warm the planet.

landfill sites: places where rubbish is buried under the ground.

slow down: slow the speed of something.

5. Read the article again and complete the sentences.

1. Forest fires are increasing because our planet is getting hotter.
2. It is bad to put rubbish in landfill sites because the rubbish makes methane / a greenhouse gas.
3. Trees keep the air clean by taking carbon dioxide out of the air.
4. Climate change will get worse if we don't stop / keep burning fossil fuels.
5. Solar energy and wind power are types of renewable energy.


6. Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer questions about the text on page 14.

Student A:
Why is theplanet becominghotter? What gas doesrubbishmake When fit iis put in landfill sites? Howdoes deforestationcause greenhouse gases?

1. Because greenhouse gases are making it hotter.

2. It makes methane.

3. Because trees absorb carbon dioxide, so if there are no trees, this does not happen.

What gases do we make when we burn fossil fuels? Why isrecycling good for the environment? Why are treesgood for the environment?

1. We make greenhouse gases.

2. Because less goes into landfill sites.

3. Because they absorb carben dioxide and help to stop global warming.


7. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. If we keep burning (burn) fossil fuels, climate change will get worse.
2. We need to use (use) more renewable energy.
3. Thegovernment plans to plant (plant) a lot of trees along the sides of streets.
4. You can choose to recycle (recycle) your plastic bottles.
5. We can avoid cutting (cut) down the trees by building the road in a different place.


8. Work in pairs. Look at the graph and answer the questions.

1. What makes themost greenhouse gases? Electricity and power.
2. What makesthe least greenhouse gases? Buildings.
3. Does farming and deforestation make more or less greenhouse gases than electricity and power? They make less greenhouse gases.
4. Is there anythingwe could avoid doing that would help the environment? We could avoid using too much electricity. We could avoid travelling too much.