Lesson 6


1. Match the paragraphs in the Caracals fact file with the headings in the box.


1. Appearance

The caracal is a beautiful gold-coloured wild cat with large ears. Caracal are not very big-they grow to about 90 centimetres long.

2. Skills

Caracal's large ears help them to hear very well. They also have alot of fur on their feet, which makes it difficult for other animals to hear them when they are trying to catch them. Caracals can also jump very high and are able to climb trees.

3. Habitat

Caracals are found in many places in Africa and the Middle East. They live in desert, but also in grasslands and forests.

4. Food

Caracals catch and eat many animals, including mongooses, birds and rabbits.

5. Lifestyle

Caracals are usually active during the night and most live alone. Mother Caracals often live in holes that are made by other animals. Caracals usually have between three and six babies (called kittens), who stay with their mother for about ten months. Caracals can live for up to 12 years in the wild.

2. Read the text again and answer the questions.

1. Why do Caracals need large ears? to help them to hear well.

2. Why do they have fur on their feet? so that other animals can't hear them when they are trying to catch them.

3. Why do they jump very high? Because they catch and eat birds.

4. Waht makes the holes that mother Caracals live in? other animals make the holes.

5. How long can Caracals live for? They can live for up to 12 years in the wild.