Lesson 7


1. Circle the correct words. Then write an animal that lives in each habitat.

1. A coastal/ mountain habitat is found next to the sea. turtle
2. Grasslands / Wetlands have green areas between deserts and mountains. caracal
3. More than half of the world's animals live in deserts / rainforests. Millions of trees grow here. orangutan
4. Not many animals can live in polar / coastal habitats. They are covered by ice for much of the year. polar bear
5. Animals that live in a grassland / wetland habitat are able to live in water as well as land. frog/ crocodile

2. Complete the sentences with these words.


1. The letter was delivered by the postman this morning.
2. Cotton is grown by farmers in the Nile Delta.
3. The Railway Children was written by an English woman called E. Nesbit in 1905.
4. The football World Cup was won by France in 2018.

3. Choose the correct answer.

1. Many fridges ..... in Egypt every year.

a. make

b. are mad

c. were made

d. did make

2. My grandfather's house ..... in around 1850.

a. build

b. is built

c. was built

d. built

3. Thousands of fish ..... from the Mediterranean Sea every day.

a. are catch

b. caught

c. were caught

d. are caught

4. When I was ill last month, I ..... to a hospital in Cairo, but I am well now.

a. took

b. taken

c. was taken

d. am taken

5. Huda's parents ..... in a small village.

a. were live

b. living

c. are lived

d. live