Lesson 3


1. Check the meaning of the words in bold in your dictionary.

addicted: liking something so much that you want to do or have it all the time.
by mistake: something you do or say without intending to.
headache: a pain inside your head.
horrible: very bad, not nice at all.
social media: websites and computer programs that allow people to communicate and share information in the internet using a computer or mobile phone.


3. Listen to these four people talking about the problems they have with technology. Match them to the problems a-d above.


Shady: c

Hala: b

Randa: a

Adam: d

4. Now listen and complete the advice an expert gives to the people in Exercise 3.

1. Shady, watching videos before bed is not a good idea.

2. Hala, you need to to talk to your parents. They should check that you can't buy anything when you play games online.

3. Randa, it is important not to become addicted to technology.

4. Oh Adam, they don't sound like good friends! If they don't change, maybe you should find some new friends.


5. Match to make sentences.

1. You should have a break c. if you are sitting at the computer for a long time.
2. You shouldn't watch videos on the internet d. if your head hurts.
3. If you don't know someone, a. you shouldn't make friends with them online.
4. You should tell a parent or teacher e. if you feel worried about something.
5. When you go to bed, b. you should turn your phone off.

6. Complete these sentences with your own ideas. Use should.

1. If you see people being horrible online, you should tell your parents.
2. When you play online games, you shouldn’t chat to people you don’t know.
3. If you think that your friend is addicted to social media, you should tell his / her parents or a teacher.
4. When you feel tired, you should turn off all your technology.