Lesson 4


1. Ask and answer the questions in pairs.

1. What do you think a Time Traveller does? He or she travels through time.

2. Read part of the story The Time Machine and answer the questions.

1. Where are the people in the story? They are in London, at the Time Traveller’s house.
2. Who made the machines? The Time Traveller.
3. What do the machines do? They travel in time / go to the past and future.

3. Look at the words in red. Use a dictionary to check their meanings. Write the words in your notebook.

impossible: if an action or event is impossible, it cannot happen or be done.
pull: hold something and move it towards you.
lever: a handle that you push or pull to make a machine work.
disappear: suddenly go somewhere and become impossible to find.
explore: look around a place where you have never been in order to find out what is there.

4. Read the text again. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences.

1. The Time Traveller's friends don't believe in time travel. T
2. The Time Traveller disappears. F. The small model of a machine disappears.
3. The small machine is finished. T
4. The small machine travels to the past. F. The small machine travels to the future.
5. The large machine is ready to use. F. It is not finished.
6. If the Time Traveller travels in the machine, he can visit the past or the future. T