Lesson 1


2. Read the descriptions again and summarise the differences in the table.

Broadsheet Tabloid
Large pages Small pages
Factual articles Short stories
Fewer photos Large photos
Longer sentences and paragraphs Simple language
Formal Large headlines

3. Read the two newspaper articles quickly. Do you think they are from a tabloid newspaper or a broadsheet? How did you guess?


New Harry Potter book shown online Photographs of all 784 pages of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows have appeared on the internet, four days before J.K. Rowling’s final book is due to be published.
It is not known who took photographs of the book, whose contents have been kept a secret before the book is published at 12.01 am on Saturday.
Some websites have removed the photos after receiving warnings from the publisher’s lawyers, but photos of the book can still be read on other sites.
It is also claimed that some people were typing up copies of the book from the photos to share on social media.
This all occurred despite the careful security which has been put in place before the book is published.
This included asking booksellers not to tell the media when or if they had copies of the book.
The incident highlights the problems of online book piracy, which is becoming much more common.


Internet cheat ruins Potter surprise

Just four days before
J.K. Rowling’s final
book about Harry
Potter is published,
an internet cheat has
shared every page of
the book online. This
has ruined the surprise
for millions of readers,
who have been waiting
with bated breath
to find out what
happens to the famous
Several websites
show photographs
of every page of
Harry Potter and the
Deathly Hallows,
which means that you
can read the whole
book online, including
the long-awaited

ending. Lawyers have
demanded that the
websites stop showing
the illegal photos,
and, fortunately, some
websites have agreed.
However, other people
have typed up the
text from the photos
and are likely to share
the story on other
Fans of Harry Potter
were shocked by the
news. “It’s terrible,”
says Kate Strong from
Cambridge, who plans
to buy the new book
for her children. “The
person who has done
this should be put in

1. A broadsheet, B tabloid
2. Accept all reasonable answers e.g., a tabloid newspaper has large photos, or a broadsheet newspaper has more international news.

4. Read the news articles again and find the following facts. Which article had more facts?

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Name of book
Four days before publication Four days before publication When book was shared online
Doesn’t say 784 Number of pages in book
Doesn’t say 12.01am Saturday Day and time of publication
Doesn’t say Contents have been kept a secret/careful security Information about security around new book
Fans were shocked Doesn’t say How the fans felt about the incedent


6. Look at the bold words in the articles and find words to match the descriptions.

1 someone who behaves in a dishonest way in order to get something cheat.

2. to ask for something in a very strict and serious way demanded.

3. when someone illegally copies and sells someone’s work piracy.

4. completely spoiled something ruined.

5. an extreme adjective meaning very surprised and upset shocked.

6. a phrase meaning waiting with a lot of nervousness and excitement waiting with bated breath.

7. say something is true, although it has not been proved claimed.

8. to happen or exist in a particular place or situation occurred.