Lesson 4


1. Read the persuasive essay and answer the questions.

1. Does the writer think social media is a good way to keep up-to-date with news?

No, he/she thinks that social media has a negative impact on news.

2. What does he say is our social responsibility?

To make sure we don’t spread news which isn’t true.

3. In the final paragraph, what action or solution does the writer suggest?

To be careful about where we get our news from and how often we check it.

2. Replace the bold phrases in the essay with a synonym from the box.


The synonym Phrases in the essay
Whilst Although
in my view personally
Firstly To begin with
due to because of
Secondly Next
Consequently In turn
Finally Lastly
To conclude In summary

3. In a persuasive essay, each main paragraph usually starts with a ‘topic sentence’ to introduce the main idea of the paragraph.
Underline the three topic sentences in the essay.

Topic sentences:

1 This constant cycle of news, which is mostly bad, can make people stressed and worried.

2 Not everything we read or see on social media is true or legal.

3 Social media starts to control what news we see and don’t see.

Supporting statements:

1 A recent survey found that more than half of Americans get anxious and sleep badly because of the news.

2 If we share it, before checking the facts, we might spread false information.

3 Our social media ‘friends’ become the ‘managing editors’.