Lesson 3


1. Look at the slides from a lecture given on a Media Course. You are going to hear part of a talk about media bias. Number the slides in the order the speaker talks about them.

A. Bias by placement
• Position of the article on the page – the stories at the top of the page are the ones which the editor wants to show as most important

B Bias by omission
• Leaving out certain stories
• Leaving out facts or certain information which does not agree with the writer’s point of view

C Bias by ‘spin’
• Choosing examples or data which support one side
• Presenting an opinion as a fact.
• Using emotional language to persuade the reader

2. Listen again and write two examples each of omission, placement and spin from the lecture in your notebook.

1. Bias by placement: position of story on the page or website, editor putting it where it will be read irst.

2. Bias by omission: leaving out certain information, leaving out facts that do not agree with the author’s point of view.

3. Bias by spin: focusing on information which only supports one side of an argument, presenting something which is an opinion as a fact.


3. Read the social media post.

1. Who wrote it?

Someone who was stuck in their car.

2. Who took the photo?

The same person (Alex).

3. What’s happened?

There’s a trafic jam caused by snow, and lots of people are trapped in their cars.