Lesson 2


1. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.


1. Successful athletes are usually able to overcome their problems.

2. The first round of a sporting competition is when the opening game or match is played.

3. karate is a Japanese sport in which you must defeat a person using hits, kicks or throws.

4. A pharmacist is a person who knows which medicines you should take to make you better.

5. People often rank Hong Kong as the most expensive city to live in the world.

6. Hard work and determination were the key to Mayar Sherif’s success.


2. Read the text and answer true (T), false (F) or not mentioned (NM). Correct the false sentences in your notebook.

1. Ferial Abdelaziz had worked for many years as a pharmacist before she started karate. F, She started karate when she was seven.

2. Ferial Abdelaziz had won gold medals before the Olympics in Tokyo. F, Before the Olympics in Tokyo, Ferial Abdelaziz won bronze and silver medals.

3. Giana Farouk has won medals in four different countries. T

4. Mayar Sherif ranked 74th in the world in September 2021. T

5. Many Egyptian women have won Grand Slams. F, Before Mayar Sherif “no Egyptian woman had won a match in a Grand Slam tournament”.

6. Mayar Sherif sometimes takes advice from other successful athletes. NM

3. Read the text again and answer the questions.

1. Why has Ferial Abdelaziz made history? She was the irst female Egyptian to win the karate gold medal.

2. What other successes did female athletes have in 2021? Giana Farouk won a karate bronze medal and Mayar Sherif won a Grand Slam tournament.


4. Fill in the gaps in the interview with Mayar Sherif, using the past simple, past perfect simple or past perfect continuous of the verbs in brackets. Listen and check.

Interviewer: How long 1 had you been playing (you / play) tennis when you played your first professional match?
Mayar: Let’s think … I 2 started (start) when I was 5 so I 3 ‘d been playing (play) for 15 years.
I: 4 Had you ever competed (you / ever / compete) on clay courts before you played at the French Open?
M: No, it was the first time I 5 ’d played (play) on a clay court in a professional match.
I: Did you think you were going to win the match against Chloe?
M: No, to be honest, before the match I 6 hadn’t been hitting (not / hit) the ball very well. The courts
were fast and it was difficult. But little by little I 7 ‘d been playing (play) better and by the time I played
against her I 8 felt (feel) confident.