Lesson 4


1. Match the percentages to the phrases.

79% e. over three-quarters
48% f. nearly half the number of
31% a. less than a third
96% c. the majority of
0% d. none of the
5% b. only a few

2. Read the report and study the bar graph. Fill in the gaps 1-4 with the names of the countries.

1 Latvia

2 Japan

3 Spain

4 Italy

3. Read the report again and discuss the questions.

1. What key information does the graph show?

The percentage of female doctors in certain countries.

2. What questions do the results raise?

Why are there such big differences between countries? Why are there so many fewer female doctors in certain countries?

4. Look at the words and phrases in bold. Which do we use…

1. to describe what the report is about?

The bar graph shows… It can be seen that…

2. as an alternative to important or large?


3. to compare two different results (two words)?

while and however.

4. to summarise the results?

the highest number of…

5. to introduce the final paragraph?

in conclusion.

6. to say what you find noticeable or surprising
(two phrases)?

the most surprising thing about the igures … it
is especially interesting to note …

7. to speculate about the reasons behind the results?

may relect …​​​​​​​