Lesson 6


1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words from the box.


1. When he shook the box, he heard something rattling around inside.

2. The guide told us the Pharaoh spent a fortune building his palace.

3. The mother of the bride cried during the wedding.

4. The storm cut off the electricity so we had to use candles.

5. The man was grateful to Pip for bringing him something to eat.

6. If you don’t stir the sauce, it won’t be smooth.

7. He was ashamed that he had lied.

8. The bride wore a long veil on her head that matched her wedding dress.


2. Read again and put the events from Chapter 2 in the correct order.

1. Estella gave Pip some food and drink but put it on the floor. 3

2. Pip went to Miss Havisham’s house where he played with Estella. 2

3. Pip asked Biddy to help him study harder. 4

4. Pip met Joe who was with a strange man in the village inn. 5

5. The soldiers found the escaped convicts and took them back to the prison ship. 1

3. Answer the questions.

1. Why didn’t Joe go to school? Because his father didn’t allow him to.
2. What does Mrs Joe think Pip should be grateful for in this chapter? That he is going to a rich lady’s house, and he might be given some money.
3. Why did Pip decide to work harder at school? Because he wanted to change his position in life so he’s not ashamed, and make Estella be nice to him.


4. Read the quotations.

Who said them? Who are they speaking to?
Why did they say this?
What does it tell you about the speakers?

1 “It was me. I stole the food from the blacksmith’s house.”

A convict speaking to the soldiers. He doesn’t want Pip to get into trouble for stealing the food. It shows the convict can be kind.

2 “I’m glad you think so, Joe.”

Pip speaking to Joe. He doesn’t agree with Joe about his sister being a ine woman but doesn’t want to upset Joe. It tells us Pip is considerate.

3 “Well? You can break his heart.”

Miss Havisham speaking to Estella. She is training Estella to be cold and mean to men. It tells us she is a mean woman herself.

4 “But he is just a poor working boy!”

Estella speaking to Miss Havisham. She says this because she thinks Pip is beneath her and she doesn’t want to play with him. It tells us she is proud and rude.

5. Discuss the questions.

1. Why do you think Miss Havisham wears a wedding dress?

Because she has never recovered from not getting married.

2. Why do you think the clock had stopped?

Because time stopped for Miss Havisham on the day she didn’t get married.

3. Who is the man Pip meets in the inn? Do you think he knows more than he pretends?

A strange man who Pip had never seen before. The questions he asks, and the ile he stirs his tea with suggests that he knows more. Also, the way he looked at Pip and the way he asked about escaped convicts.