Lesson 2


1. Work in pairs. Read the poem. What is the message of the poem? What is the connection between the poem's message and the photo?

1. The poem’s message is that you should smile when unexpected and unpleasant things happen, like when ‘the rain comes pouring down’, because you can’t change what is happening.
2. In the photo we can see a woman smiling and not worrying about the rain which is falling on her; she’s enjoying it.

2. Match the sections of the poem (1-4) with what the poet is saying (a-d).

a. There are some things that you can’t change. 3

b. Feeling unhappy about something won’t stop it happening. 1

c. Whatever happens to you in life, just try your best. 4

d. If you try to be happy, you’ll feel good. 2


4. Read the sentences and choose the correct verb form.

1. You should try/trying to learn better time management skills.

2. You could have say/said ‘no’ to playing on the school basketball team.

3. Why don’t you take/taking some snacks with you, so you aren’t so hungry?

4. Have you considered talk/talking to your family about your feelings?

5. How about listen/listening to some music to help you to relax?

6. You shouldn't have watched/watch television for so long. Your eyes are so red!


5. Listen to three students talking about situations that are having a negative effect on their mental health. Match the speakers to the situations.


a Trying to do everything perfectly. Heba
b Not having enough time for activities they enjoy. Ibrahim
c Not managing their time well. Nour