Lesson 4


1. Read this email from a teenager to a friend. What two things does Karim suggest that Mohamed does on his own to improve his mental health? What does Karim offer to do with Mohamed to help him?

1. Karim suggests that Mohamed irst understands that everyone suffers from stress and inds it dificult to cope with life sometimes, but then tries to identify the reasons for their problems.

2. Karim offers to meet Mohamed to talk to him about how he is feeling.

2. Read the email again. Answer the questions.

1. Why has Karim decided to write to his friend Mohamed?

Karim has decided to write to his friend Mohamed because he’s noticed that Mohamed seems to have changed/he has less energy and seems to be exhausted.

2. What problem did Karim have with his mental health?

Karim had a problem with time management and because of this he was exhausted and didn’t do very well at school.

3. What did Karim do to improve his mental health?

Karim asked his sister for help with time management (and she helped him).

4. What does Karim suggest that Mohamed should identify?

Karim suggests that Mohamed should identify anything he spends too much time on and how he can make more time for activities he enjoys.