Lesson 1


1. Read the article about procrastination and answer the questions.

1. Why do scientists believe that we procrastinate?

Scientists believe that we procrastinate because there’s a conlict between our present self and future self.

2. Which two solutions to avoid procrastinating does the writer suggest?

The writer suggests doing things to please your present self and trying to focus on the beneits that achieving your long-term goals can bring you.

2. Read the article again and match the missing sentences (1–3) to the correct places in the text.

1. For example, give yourself little rewards after working for a short period of time, like checking messages after finishing a task. C

2. Whereas the future self is focused on achieving long-term goals. B

3. Unfortunately, procrastinating often has a negative impact on your mental health. A


3. Complete the sentences with the words and phrases from the article.

1. People usually experience stress when they have too much work to do.

2. Since I stopped procrastinating, my ability to finish my homework has improved.

3. If you miss school, you should borrow the notes so you can catch up with the rest of the class.

4. If your goals are unrealistic, it is inevitable that you will not achieve them.

5. There are courses you can take to get better at time management but you also need to be organised.

6. How much progress have you made with your project? Do you think you’ll finish it this week?