Lesson 2


1. Listen to the results of a school survey and look at the graphs A and B. Number the graphs in the order that the speaker talks about them.


A 2

B 1

2. Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1. The school recently made two changes to the way students practise English when they aren’t at school. T

2. The school was interested in finding out what types of technology students use to practise English. F

3. More than half the students enjoyed using the digital workbooks more than paper workbooks. T

4. 10% of students thought that the digital and paper workbooks were equally good. T

5. An aim of the survey was to find out how often students took part in a virtual meeting to practise their English outside of the classroom. F

6. Many students had technical problems when they tried to join the virtual meetings. F

3. Write a title for each graph.

A: How much time students spent in each virtual meeting

B: Students’ opinions about using digital workbooks


5. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. I think it’s a mistake to stop young people from using / to use mobile phones to do their homework.

2. To concentrate on your schoolwork you have to stop to listen / listening to music.

3. I’ve heard that there are some useful apps to learn vocabulary so I’m going to look into / onto the different options.

4. Our teacher lets us choose / to choose an online article to read for homework.

5. I think Yasser has to / should watch some videos in English because it would help improve his spoken English.

6. We always try to find / finding different ways of learning and practising English to make it more interesting.