Lesson 3


2. Listen again. Complete the descriptions of the three speakers’ problems.

1. Hend’s problem is that the other people in the virtual meeting can’t hear her.
2. Engy’s problem is that nothing happens when she clicks on the link to the virtual meeting in the meeting invitation.
3. Bassem’s problem is that he can’t send the email he’s just written.

3. Match the solutions the speakers use to solve the problems (a–c) with the three problems (1–3) from Exercise 2.

a installing the software you need 2
b turning the internet back on again 3
c unmuting the microphone 1


4. Work in pairs. Brainstorm ideas for things the speakers could do so they don’t have these problems again.
Write a text message to each speaker to explain what they can do next time to avoid having the same problem.

Hend: You could always check that your microphone isn’t muted before you starts talking in a virtual meeting.
Engy: You could always check to see if the software you need for a virtual meeting is already installed on your computer before you click on the link to join the meeting.
Bassem: You could always check that you have turned your internet on again after you’ve turned it off.