Lesson 1


1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word or phase.


1. In the last email from my cousin in India, he claimed that some of India’s roads are the most dangerous in the world!

2. Tarek often won running races at school, but we all knew he was a cheat He did not follow the correct route and did not run as far as other students.

3. The family picnic was ruined when there was a sandstorm and everyone had to wait inside.

4. People waited with bated breath while the firefighters helped the family from the fire. Thankfully, everyone was saved.

5. The police have closed the train station because there has been an incident.

6. Workers at the factory demanded better pay and shorter working hours.

7. Downloading music from some websites on the internet without paying is an example of piracy and people should not do it.

8. I was shocked to read that 52% of people in the world are under 30 years old.


2. Read the two reports. Which one is from a tabloid and which is from a broadheet?

The irst article is a tabloid, the second is a broadsheet.

3. Read the reports again and add the four missing sentences a—d.

a. The criminal lawyer made it clear that copying e-books without the permission of the author is a crime. 3

b. The student said she was only trying to help others buy cheaper books. 1

c. He also said that it is important to understand that even though it is easy to do so, it is a crime to copy e-books without the permission of the author. 4

d. Her crimes were referred to the country's International Crime Court. 2