
1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.


1. We can’t build houses here because there is a marsh. The ground is too wet.
2. The metal was sharp and rough, so we used a file to make it smooth.
3. The police arrested the man and put on handcuffs to stop him from moving his hands.
4. They put their walking boots on and set off early in the morning.
5. In the past, all villages had a blacksmith who could make things from metal.
6. Very dangerous convicts were put in leg-irons in the past to stop them from running away.
7. A/An graveyard is an area of land where people are buried.

2. Match the two parts of the sentences to make complete sentences.

1. I ran to the shops, and when I c. got my breath back, I asked for bread!
2. When Tarek saw the huge, angry camel, he nearly a. jumped out of his skin.
3. The police think that the men b. committed the crime last week.

3. Complete the timeline with these events from the story.

They go to the marshes to look for the convicts.

Pip takes some food and a file for the convict.

Pip visits his parents’ grave.

Mrs Joe realises that a pie has gone from the kitchen.

Pip sees another man in leg-irons.

Some soldiers tell them that they are looking for convicts.

A man in leg-irons talks to Pip in the graveyard.

1 Pip visits his parents’ grave.
2 A man in leg-irons talks to Pip in the graveyard.
3 Pip takes some food and a ile for the convict.
4 Pip sees another man in leg-irons.
5 Mrs Joe realises that a pie has gone from the kitchen.
6 Some soldiers tell them that they are looking for convicts.
7 They go to the marshes to look for the convicts.

4. Answer the questions.

1. How did Pip get his name?

He found it dificult to say Philip Pirrip.

2. Why did Pip live with his sister Mrs Joe?

His parents and other brothers and sisters died.

3. What did Joe think of the man in the graveyard?

He scared him, but he also felt sorry for him.

4. Why was there a lot of food in the kitchen the next day?

It was Christmas Day, and guests were invited to dinner.

5. Why do the soldiers visit their house?

To ind a blacksmith to mend some handcuffs.

5. Read the quotations and answer the questions.

1. ‘I want you to bring me that file early tomorrow morning. And some food, too. Then I will let you live!’
Who says this and why?
The convict in the graveyard says this. He wants a ile to remove his leg-irons and some food because he is hungry.

2. ‘I didn’t want to look after you! It’s bad enough being a blacksmith’s wife. I never asked to be your mother!’
Who says this, and what do we learn about her?
Mrs Joe says this. We learn that she does not enjoy looking after her brother Pip and she is not kind to him.

3. ‘We need a blacksmith to mend some handcuffs, please.’
Why do the soldiers need handcuffs, do you think?
They want to ind the convicts and put handcuffs on them.

4. ‘I hope we don’t find the convicts, Joe’.
Why do you think Pip says this?

Perhaps he fears them, or perhaps because he feels sorry for them.

6. Answer these questions.

2. How did Pip feel when he stole the food and the file? Did he do anything to relieve himself? Why/Why not?

He felt guilty about this, but he didn’t do anything to relieve himself. He was afraid that Joe might not like to be his friend anymore.