Lesson 2

1. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.

1. What does Manal say has happened? Soha has broken the computer.

2. Who last used the computer? Soha.

3. What does Soha say about the computer when she used it? It was already broken.

4. What did Mum forget to tell them? She forgot to tell them that she broke it.

5. Why do they need to buy a new computer? Because it is always breaking.


2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

I 1 have not visited (not visit) Sharm El-Sheikh for years, so a month ago, I 2 went (go) there with my family. One morning, while we 3 were walking (walk) on the beach, I 4 was (be) surprised to meet one of my best friends who I 5 have not seen (not see) since we 6 were (be) students at secondary school. We 7 spent (spend) a very nice time there.

3. Complete the sentences with since, for, ago, while or when.

1. What sport did you use to do when you were a child?

2. Sherif has lived in London since his childhood.

3. Ahmed Elgendy has practised swimming since he was six years old.

4. I haven’t been to Aswan for years.

5. Two weeks ago, my grandmother was seriously ill, but she is better now.

6. While I was waiting for the bus, my mother phoned me.

4. Match the two parts of the sentences to make complete sentences.

1. Have you ever a at midday last Saturday? d. been to a football match?

2. What were you doing b you flown in a plane? a. at midday last Saturday?

3. How often have c lived in the same house? b. you flown in a plane?

4. When did you d been to a football match? e. last see your grandparents?

5. Have you always c. lived in the same house?