Lesson 2


1. Complete the sentences with the correct word or phrase.

lesson 2

1. When you insist on achieving your goals, you have a lot of determination.

2. Ashleigh Barty is ranked the top female tennis player in the world.

3. Amira was able to overcome last year’s obstacles and received an A in biology this year.

4. karate is very popular these days. Many young people love to play it.

5. Mostafa loves chemistry and he is studying to become a pharmacist.


3. Listen to a report about a handball player. What is her dream?

Her dream is to play international handball in an over 21s women’s team for Egypt.

4. Listen again and answer the questions.

1. What had Fatma been playing for many years before 2021?

She had been playing top handball.

2. Who has she played for before she went to university?

She had played for the Egyptian youth team (the under 18s).

3. Who had she played for before she graduated?

She had played for the junior team (the under 20s).

4. Why does she hope that the sports organisers would spend money on the women’s handball team in the future?

Because they had spent a lot of money on the men’s team in the past, and it became very successful. She hopes to play handball at a top level for many years.

5. What had women won in other sports in the past?

They had won medals at the 2016 Olympics.


5. Circle the correct words.

1. We had been waiting/had waited for nearly an hour before the bus finally came.

2. I had been drinking/had drunk all my water before we got to the top of the mountain.

3. The musician Chopin had been writing/had written his first piece of music before he was eight.

4. The fields were flooded because it had been raining/had rained for ten days without stopping.

5. She had been training/been trained for weeks before she played the final match.

6. After I have been waiting/had been waiting for 20 minutes, my friend arrived and apologised to me.

7. I had sent/had been sending three emails before I left the office.