
1. Match the words and the definitions.

1. ashamed e. feeling embarrassed or bad about something

2. bride g. a woman who is getting married

3. candle f. something made of wax you burn to produce light

4. fortune a. a lot of money

5. veil h. a piece of fine material worn to protect or hide your face

6. grateful c. feeling thankful and lucky

7. shake b. move quickly from side to side or up and down

8. stir d. mix a liquid by moving a spoon around it

2. Circle True or False and correct the false sentences.

1. Pip told the convict that he hadn’t said anything about him to the soldiers. True/False
He didn’t say anything, he only shook his head.
2. The convict told the soldiers that he stole food from Pip’s house. True/False
3. The village school teacher’s grand-daughter, Biddy, taught Pip to read and write. True/False
4. Uncle Pumblechook came to the house to meet Miss Havisham. True/False
He stayed at the gate and Estella took Pip in.
5. Miss Havisham wore a new white wedding dress. True/False
It was now old and yellow with age.
6. Estella looked pleased when she saw that Pip was sad. True/False
7. Joe met a man at an inn who asked about the convicts. True/False

3. Complete the sentences with these adjectives, then match the people or places with the descriptions.


1. He was a kind man who taught Joe to be a blacksmith. b. Joe’s father
2. Joe thinks that she is a fine woman but doesn’t like the way she hits Pip. d. Mrs Joe
3. She is an old, rich woman who lives in the nearest town. a. Miss Havisham
4. She is a pretty but proud and rude young girl. e. Estella
5. It looked unused and all the rooms were dark. c. Miss Havisham’s house

4. Complete the sentences from the story with the correct form of these verbs.


1. When the soldiers found the two convicts, they were fighting and covered in mud.
2. Pip shook his head to show the convict he had said nothing to the soldiers.
3. The convict climbed back onto the ship and disappeared.
4. The clock in Miss Havisham’s house had stopped.
5. The man at the inn stirred his tea with a blacksmith’s file.

5. Answer the questions.

1. Why had most people never seen Miss Havisham?
Because she never leaves her house.

2. Why did Mrs Joe want Pip to go to Miss Havisham’s house?
She thought he would make a fortune by going there.

3. Why were all the rooms in Miss Havisham’s house lit by candles?
All the curtains were closed so no daylight could enter.

4. Why didn’t Estella want to play with Pip?
She said that he was just a poor, working boy.

5. Why did Pip feel ashamed?
Because Estella said he had dirty hands and ugly boots.

6. What was Joe’s advice to Pip?
He told Pip to be happy with his position in life.

7. Why do you think the man in the inn had Joe’s file?
Suggested answer: he must know the convict.

6. Choose the correct spelling of the words in these sentences from the story.

1. The soldiers ran into the marches/marshes and we saw the two men.
2. I am sorry that I ate your meat/meet pie.
3. I wandered/wondered what game I could play.
4. Tears/Tiers came to my eyes.
5. The missed/mist is so thick, you wouldn’t know there was a prison ship out there!

7. Answer the following questions:

1. “I’d rather she hit me than you!” What does this tell you about Joe’s personality?

It tells us that Joe is kind and cares about Pip’s feelings.

2. Estella described Pip as being “common”? Why does she do this?

She is proud and rude and doesn’t want to play with him because she thinks he is beneath her.