Lesson 2


1. Complete the sentences with the correct word or phrase.


Earth is one of the eight planets of our solar system. Astronomers have been able to study most of these planets for many years. However, we will start to learn more about them when we can send astronauts further than the moon, where they have been already. Scientists have already sent spacecrafts onto the surface of planets such as Mars, and with each journey, we can learn more and more about the universe around us.


2. Listen to an interview with an astronomer. What does he say about the moons called Enceladus, Titan and Europa?

They might all have water on them

3. Listen again. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences in your notebook.

1. Once we have finished exploring Mars, we’ll probably find other places that have life. T
2. We’ll know where water comes from on Enceladus once we’ve sent astronauts there. F, once we’ve sent a spacecraft there.
3. We’ll know more about Titan’s lakes once we have sent the first spacecraft there. F, we have already sent one, we’ll know more when we send another that can land on the lakes.
4. We won’t be able to study water on Europa until we can send powerful machines that can dig there because it is so far under the surface. T


4. Match the two parts of the sentences to make complete sentences.

1. Ali won’t be able to use the computer e. until he’s repaired it.
2. Once I’ve finished reading this book, d. I’ll lend it to you.
3. When we’ve baked the cake, b. we’ll cut it into pieces.
4. We won’t be able to stay in the hotel a. until they’ve finished painting it.
5. When Tarek has passed his driving test, c. he’ll be able to drive in Cairo.