
1. Answer the questions.

1. If you get an apprenticeship, do you learn while you are doing a job, or learn about it at university? You learn while you are doing a job.
2. Do you have an argument when you agree or do not agree with someone? You have an argument when you do not agree with someone.
3. If something is dusty, is it clean or dry and dirty? It is dry and dirty.
4. If something is gloomy, is it dark and sad or light and pretty? It is dark and sad.
5. If someone tells you to behave yourself does it mean you should behave well or behave badly? You should behave well.
6. Is a spider’s web something a spider eats, or uses to catch insects? It is something a spider uses to catch insects.

2. Choose the correct words.

1. The shopkeeper was very kind and gave the children a free ice cream. ‘Here you are!’ he said. ‘But that’s your lot/load.’
2. There was a strange smell in the room, but I couldn’t put my eyes/finger on what it was.
3. A football hit me in the face, so I got a black/hit eye.

3. Match the people with the descriptions.


1. He gave Pip a coin. the man at the inn
2. She showed Pip an old wedding cake. Miss Havisham
3. Pip hit him and gave him a black eye. the pale young gentleman
4. He received a large bag of money from Miss Havisham. Joe
5. She taught Pip as much as she knew. Biddy
6. He was angry because Pip had an afternoon’s holiday but he could not. Orlick
7. She was often in Pip’s thoughts, but he did not see her any more. Estella

4. Put the events from Chapter 3 in the correct order.

a. Miss Havisham asks Estella to play with Pip. 4
b. Mrs Joe put the pound note on a shelf to keep it safe. 1
c. Pip becomes Joe’s apprentice. 7
d. Pip met Miss Havisham’s relatives, the Pockets. 2
e. Joe has to stop an argument between Mrs Joe and Orlick. 8
f. Pip visits a dining room laid for a wedding celebration. 3
g. Pip has a fight with a boy in the garden. 5
h. Miss Havisham gives Joe a large bag of money. 6

5. Match the two parts of the sentences to make complete sentences.

1. Feeling frightened, d. Pip took the coin and the note and left the inn with Joe.
2. Holding up her candle, a. Estella led Pip through the dark house.
3. Pointing at a tall shape in the centre of the table, b. Miss Havisham asked Pip what he thought it was.
4. Alone in the garden, c. Pip was surprised to see another boy looking at him out of a window.

6. Answer the questions.

1. What did Mrs Joe and Uncle Pumblechook think Miss Havisham wanted to give Pip?
They thought she wanted to give him a fortune.

2. Why did Pip start to feel ashamed of his home and family?
He did not want to be a blacksmith and was ashamed of his poor and simple life. He wanted to become a gentleman.

3. Why do you think Miss Havisham was always asking Pip about his opinion of Estella?
She wanted him to like Estella so she can break his heart.

4. Why do you think the dining room had not changed for many years?
It was prepared for Miss Havisham’s wedding, but the wedding did not take place.

5. Why do you think there were spiders and mice everywhere in the dining room?
People did not use the room anymore. They were free to live there.

6. Why do you think Estella refused to speak to Pip when Miss Havisham asked them to play?
Because she thinks he is just a poor working boy and is not good enough for her.

7. Complete the sentences from the story with the correct form of the verbs in the box.


1. The man in the inn wrapped the coin in paper and gave it to me.
2. Estella took Pip into a gloomy room where three ladies and a gentleman were waiting.
3. A bell rang far away.
4. In the dining room, Pip saw a long table laid with a tablecloth and plates.
5. The Pockets wished Miss Havisham a happy birthday.
6. At the end of the day, Estella led Pip out of the house.
7. The pale young gentleman did not hit Pip very hard.

8. Read the quotations and answer the questions.

1. ‘I’ll never cry again.’ Who says this and why?
Pip says this to Estella. He probably wants to show her that he is not a child now, so she cannot make him cry.

2. ‘And everything is still here.’ What does Miss Havisham mean by ‘everything’?
Everything for a wedding celebration: there was a table-cloth, plates and a wedding cake.

3. ‘Can I help you?’ Who does Pip say this to and why?
He says it to the pale young gentleman because he feels sorry for him, after he has hit him.

4. ‘This is all you will get from me, Mr Gargery!’ What does Joe get, and why does Miss Havisham say this?
Joe gets a bag of money from Miss Havisham to pay for Pip’s apprenticeship, but she tells him he will not get anything else from her.

9. Do you think that Pip is becoming a better person after meeting Miss Havisham? Why? Write a paragraph in your notebook. Write about 150 words.​​​​​​​

Pip now wants to learn as much as he can, which is good. However, he only wants to do this because he thinks Estella will like him more. He is becoming ashamed of his home and family because they are poor, and Joe is just a blacksmith. This does not make him a better person.​​​​​​​