Lesson 3


1. Read the definitions and write the words.

lesson 3(1)

1. a special doctor who is trained to cut open people to make them better surgeon.
2. medicines or things that make medicines drugs.
3. when doctors cut open your body to help repair it or remove something that is damaged operation.
4. something to try and make you feel better after an injury or when you are ill treatment.
5. a piece of equipment that can find or measure light, heat, sound etc. sensor.


2. Read the article and answer the questions.

1. Why will shops not need to close in the future?
AI will be able to do the work of shop assistants.

2. What will be different about the things you can buy online?
They will be made just for you; they won’t be mass-produced.

3. What will people be calling instead of taxis in the future? Why?
People will call self-driving cars, because they will not need to own cars.

4. What will more people have learnt to do in the future with the help of AI?
More people will have learnt how to produce amazing art or music.

5. In what way will AI be like mobile phones?
They will change the way we live our lives.


3. Circle the correct words.

1. Soon, my little brother will be/will be being too old for primary school.
2. Within the next few years, we won’t be/won’t have been able to see tigers in the wild, only in zoos.
3. In three decades, schools will use/will be using computers instead of teachers.
4. Within the next hundred years, we will have found/will be finding a way to use water for fuel.