Lesson 1


1. Change the underlined words in the sentences to a similar word from the box.

lesson 1(2)

1. It is a good idea to change the place where you study as it can help your memory. vary
2. The first thing to do is to analyse how you remember things best. assess
3. Remember that your concentration tends to reduce after 30 minutes. decline
4. If you want to increase awareness of pollution, you should talk to your friends about it. raise
5. You need to make changes if you want to increase the amount and quality of work you complete. productivity
6. Using less electricity will improve the energy effectiveness in your house. efficiency


2. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the structure get … done.

Sherif: You said last week your revision was going slowly. Are you (1) getting more done now?
Hisham: To be honest, my progress is going well this week. My dad will (2) get some changes done to my room to help me raise my efficiency.
Sherif: Really? Wow! What sort of changes?
Hisham: Well, he’s going to put a desk under my window. The desk will be big enough for two people, so I can study with friends. Do you want to come over on Saturday and we can study together?
Sherif: That sounds great. We need to (3) get our English project done and then we can revise for Science.
Hisham: Great. I usually (4) get a lot more work done when I study with friends. What time do you want to come?
Sherif: Well, I prefer to study in the morning. I (5) got a lot of work done when I studied yesterday morning. How about 9 o'clock?
Hisham: Great, see you then.

3. Read the conversation again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1. Hisham is more productive this week. T
2. Hisham’s father is going to make changes to Hisham’s bedroom. T
3. Sherif and Hisham got their English project done last week. F
4. Hisham is happy to study with Sherif. T