
1. Complete the sentences using words or phrases from the box.


1. When a criminal is arrested, the police put handcuffs on their wrists.
2. If it is hot and you are wearing a shirt you can pull up your sleeves to make you cooler.
3. Although I had studied a lot, I felt very anxious about my English exam.
4. There is a boy in my class who likes to boast about how great his new camera is.
5. If a criminal is given a life sentence, he has to remain in prison his whole life.
6. It was remarkable how the whole class got top marks in their final exam.
7. What he did will come back to haunt the criminal while he is in prison.
8. I like getting coins which are new because they are very shiny.
9. The teacher spoke affectionately about her students as she was saying goodbye.
10. The students were very enthusiastic about their English lessons.
11. Wael has a scar on his knee from an operation.
12. The students sat and listened at the request of the teacher.
13. The climbing instructor told me to hold on to the rope.

2. Put the events from Chapter 6 in the correct order.

a. Drummle finished his education and returned home. 5
b. All three guests started to boast about their skills. 3
c. Pip was invited to dinner at Mr Jagger’s house. 1
d. Pip travelled with two convicts. 8
e. Molly showed the guests her wrists. 4
f. Mr Jaggers spoke to Drummle for a long time. 2
g. Pip received a letter from Biddy. 6
h. Herbert, Joe and Pip had breakfast together. 7

3. Answer the questions.

1. Do you think Mr Jaggers is a good person? Why?
He appears to be a bad person as his servant is scared of him.

2. Does Pip enjoy dinner at Mr Jagger's house? Why?
No. He doesn’t like the way Drummle behaves,or the way he himself behaves in Drummle’s company.

3. Why did Biddy write the letter to Pip?
Biddy writes to Pip to tell him that Joe is coming to London.

4. Why do you think Joe called Pip ‘Sir’?
Because Joe now views Pip as a gentleman and feels uncomfortable around him.

5. Why did Pip get off the coach and walk to the hotel?
Because he wanted to get away from the two convicts on the coach.

6. Why do you think Pip did not sleep well?
Pip did not sleep well because he was anxious having learnt of Magwitch’s life sentence.

4. Match the characters with how they behave in Chapter 6.


1. He likes to tell others how good he is at doing different things Bentley Drummle.
2. This character makes their employees feel embarrassed and scared Mr Jaggers.
3. This character tells Pip that they are always thinking about him Biddy.
4. This character feels uncomfortable and speaks very formally Mr Joe Gargery.
5. This character is quite nervous and is embarrassed by Mr Jaggers Molly.
6. This character asked another person to give Pip a present Magwitch.

5. Complete the sentences with the correct adverb from the box.


1. If I don’t start writing this essay immediately, I won’t finish it in time.
2. My sister is happy because her teacher said she speaks English very well.
3. I fortunately was able to finish reading the book before I had to talk about it.
4. He boastfully repeated how big his house was.
5. We were not happy as we all left the exam feeling we had done badly.
6. My grandmother speaks affectionately about her grandchildren to all her friends.