Lesson 3


1. Look at the photo of people brainstorming ideas. What are they using to help them? What do you use to help you brainstorm?

different coloured pens, different coloured post-its notes, laptop, papers, mobile phone, whiteboard, notebook, coffee cups.

2. Listen to students brainstorming ideas. What is the main point of the discussion?

1. The importance of eating healthily at school.
2. The effects of stress on the body when studying.
3. The most productive way to revise for exams.

3. Listen again and complete the expressions you hear.

1. Does anyone have any other ideas they want to share?
2. That’s a good idea. Let’s add it to our options.
3. At least it makes the revision more interesting.
4. Don’t you think that might lead to you chatting about other things?
5. Organising ourselves well should be a priority.
6. So, do we all agree that this is the best option?

4. Now match some of the phrases from Exercise 3 with their functions below. Some functions can have more than one phrase.

1. Ask for more alternatives in a discussion. 1. (Does anyone have any other ideas they want to share?)
2. Reach a conclusion. 2. (That’s a good idea. Let’s add it to our options.)
5. (Organising ourselves well should be a priority.)
6. (So, do we all agree this is the best option?)

3. Mention the advantage of doing something. 3. (At least it makes the revision more interesting).
4. Mention a possible disadvantage of doing something. 4. (Don’t you think that might lead to you chatting about other things?)