Practice Exercises 1

Choose the correct option from A, B, C or D.

1. It was a very cold day in winter. I didn’t have a coat and I was ............... .

A. terrifying

B. chillier

C. freezing

D. petrified

2. The news story about the match missed out the injured player so there was bias by ............... .

A. omission

B. mislead

C. spin

D. inaccurate

3. I took many notes because the lecturer gave a lot of interesting information. A synonym for lecturer here is ............... .

A. role model

B. assistant

C. teacher

D. physicist

4. Egypt enters teams into many different international ................ .

A. rounds

B. courts

C. Grand Slams

D. tournaments

5. My sister Marwa is never ............... and always spends a lot of time explaining my homework to me.

A. inaccurate

B. kind

C. patient

D. impatient

6. When you want to introduce an opposite opinion when you are writing, you can say ............... .

A. In the other way

B. On the other hand

C. By the other hand

D. On one side

7. At the top of a tabloid news story there is usually ............... .

A. a headline

B. your name

C. a photo

D. a question

8. When writing a formal report, you should use ............... .

A. contractions

B. exclamation marks

C. a pencil

D. passive forms

9. Which of the following is correctly structured? ...............

A. By next year, I will buy a new car.

B. By next year, I will have been bought a new car.

C. By next year, I should have bought a new car.

D. By next year, I will have bought a new car.

10. ‘Although we are surrounded by these mass-produced devices, this does not mean that their use should be implemented in the future.’ This could be part of an essay about ............... .

A. technology

B. equality

C. mobile phones

D. films

11. The car broke down and I couldn’t put my finger on the cause. This means that I ............... .

A. couldn’t ask someone why the car had broken down.

B. couldn’t know the reason why the car had broken down.

C. couldn’t touch the car engine.

D. couldn’t reach the car engine.

12. In his advertisement, he left out the fact that the flat isn’t opposite the Nile to make others buy it for a higher price. This is bias by ............... .

A. spin

B. placement

C. omission

D. replacement

13. You should ................ speaking English with native speakers to speak fluently.

A. practise

B. avoid

C. decide

D. hope

14. I can’t hear you; please, ............... your voice.

A. arise

B. arouse

C. raise

D. rise

15. You ............... your father yesterday; the problem was too serious for you to solve alone.

A .should consult

B. should have consulted

C. didn’t have to consult

D. shouldn’t have consulted

16. You have to ............... your mobile phone before you enter the meeting.

A. turn on

B. mute

C. destroy

D. disappear

17. Once I ............... making the cake, I’ll give you some to taste.

A. will finish

B. had finished

C. have finished

D. will be finishing

18. You can’t rely on this information; it’s ................ .

A. reliable

B. acute

C. accurate

D. inaccurate

19. My father always ............... us go to bed early when we have exams. We have to obey his order!

A. lets

B. persuades

C. makes

D. allows

20. Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

A. What amazing news, The police have found Uncle Adel’s car.

B. What amazing news! The police have found Uncle Adels’ car.

C. What amazing news! the police have found Uncle Adel’s car.

D. What amazing news! The police have found Uncle Adel’s car.

21. The following is part of a/an ............... essay. Stanley Bridge is one of the mostfamous architectural works in Alexandria. It is 400 metres long and 30 metres wide. It has four towers designed in the Islamic style used in the royal palace of Al Montazah. The Bridge was built with the aim of enlarging the Alexandria beachside and decreasing traffic in that area.

A. argumentative

B. narrative

C. persuasive

D. descriptive

22. When handling the body of an argumentative essay on the disadvantages of homeschooling, we can use:

A. Most people prefer homeschooling to save their children from being infected with COVID-19.

B. I’m strongly in favour of homeschooling even if precautionary measures are strictly followed at school.

C. Those who don’t support homeschooling believe that their children are deprived of practising useful activities at school.

D. In my opinion, I see that we can achieve all the outcomes of learning through homeschooling.

Read the following passages then choose the correct option from A, B, C or D.

23. This text talks about ......

A. the difficulties finding pilots in Egypt.

B. the problems women have had in finding jobs.

C. the inspirational determination of one woman.

D. the documentary which is important for many women.

24. The sentence which best summarises the final paragraph is ...

A. Watching the documentary will help you learn to fly.

B. Learning about Lotfia’s life will help you create your own dreams.

C. Even if you cannot fly, you can still be famous.

D. Even though this woman is no longer alive, we can still learn a lot from her.

25. Lotfia Elnadi’s achievements ...

A. helped other Arab women to become pilots.

B. taught Arab women they will have problems learning to fly.

C. and her story were made into a film.

D. caused anger in the world of aviation.

26. Lotfia earned her pilot’s licence ...

A. when she was seventy.

B. on her birthday in 1933.

C. before she was thirty years old.

D. at the age of 95.

27. Lotfia Elnadi made the headlines ...

A. winning a race to Alexandria.

B. for flying alone in a race.

C. for crashing a plane in a race.

D. coming second in a race to Cairo.

28. From the text, find the expression that means ‘make it possible for someone’.

A. opened doors for

B. pursue her dream

C. overcome the difficulties

D. continue to encourage

29. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Thonis-Heracleion was explored in the year 2000 CE.

B. An exciting discovery in Egypt.

C. Important ports on the Mediterranean.

D. 97% of the site of Thonis-Heracleion could be explored.

30. The underlined word “erupted” in the second paragraph is similar in meaning to ……….. .

A. exploded

B. blew

C. broke down

D. appeared

31. Thonis-Heracleion ……….. .

A. was a name of a famous archaeologist

B. is a modern Egyptian city

C. was an ancient Egyptian port city

D. was a French archaeologist

32. The baskets discovered in site of Thonis-Heracleion were filled with fruit dating back to ……….. .

A. the year 2000 CE

B. 79 AD

C. the third century BCE

D. the fourth century BCE

33. Historians learned what the Romans ate due to finding ……….. dating back to 79 AD.

A. a spoon

B. grape seeds

C. baskets of fruit

D. bread

34. According to the article, which of the following is incorrect?

A. Achaeologists are likely to find many more inspiring objects in the future.

B. There was bread in the basket at Thonis- Heracleion.

C. Achaeologists could learn from everyday objects more than metal objects and statues.

D. Archaeologists lifted many large statues and metal objects from the sea at Thonis-Heracleion.

35. The underlined word this in the second paragraph refers to …..... .

A. the astonishing discovery of the basket of fruit.

B. the remains inside the site.

C. the site of Thonis-Heracleion.

D. an expensive metal.

Read the sentences then choose the correct translation from A, B, C or D.

36. تهتم وزارة التربية والتعليم بتنمية مهارات الطلاب وتعزيز روح الابتكار لديهم ليكونوا قادرين على مواكبة التقدم العلمي في كل أنحاء العالم ويساهموا في مشروعات التنمية في بلدهم.

A. The Ministry of Education is interested in developing students' innovation and enhancing their skills so that they can keep pace with scientific research all over the world and contribute to development projects in their country.

B. The Ministry of Education is interested in developing student’s skills and enhancing their innovative projects so that they can keep peace with scientific progress all over the world and contribute to development projects in their country.

C. The Ministry of Culture is interested in developing students' skills and enhancing their spirit of innovation so that they can keep pace with scientific progress all over the world and contribute to development projects in their country.

D. The Ministry of Education is interested in developing students' skills and enhancing their spirit of innovation so that they can keep pace with scientific progress all over the world and contribute to development plans in their country.

37. لا تشغل نفسك بانتقاد الآخرين بدون موضوعية. كن إيجابياً واعمل بجد، وتقبل الآخر، فلا أحد بدون عيوب والمهم أن نتعلم من أخطائنا.

A. Do not concern yourself with criticizing others with objectivity. Be positive, work hard and others. No one is without flaws, and the important thing is for us to learn from our mistakes.

B. Do not concern yourself with attacking others without objectivity. Be positive, work hard and agree with the other. No one is without flaws, and the important thing is for us to learn from our

C. Do not concern yourself with criticizing others without creativity. Be positive, work hard and accept the other. No one is without flaws, and the important thing is for us to teach from our

D. Do not concern yourself with criticizing others without objectivity. Be positive, work hard and accept the other. No one is without flaws, and the important thing is for us to learn from our mistakes.

38. T here are a lot of jobs that can be done online. These jobs vary according to the tasks required and suit a lot of people who are currently unemployed.

A. هناك القليل من الوظائف التي يمكنك القيام بها عبر الإنترنت. تختلف هذه الوظائف وفقًا للراتب الذي يُدفع لك ، وهو الشيء الذي يناسب الكثير من الأشخاص الذين ليس لديهم وظائف للقيام بها.
B. هناك الكثير من الوظائف التي يمكنك القيام بها عبر الإنترنت. تختلف هذه الوظائف وفقًا للمهام التي يتطلبها العمل، وهو الشيء الذي يناسب الكثير من الأشخاص الذين ليس لديهم وظائف في الوقت الحالي.
C. هناك الكثير من الوظائف التي يمكنك قبولها عبر الإنترنت. تختلف هذه الوظائف وفقًا للمهام التي يتم التعامل معها ، وهو الشيء الذي يناسب الكثير من الشباب الذين تركوا وظائفهم.
D. هناك الكثير من الوظائف التي تبحث عنها عبر الإنترنت. تختلف هذه الوظائف وفقًا للمهام التي يتم التعامل معها ، وهو الشيء قد لا يناسب الكثير من الأشخاص الذين ليس لديهم وظائف للقيام بها.

39. Production must go side by side with global quality. We should increase and improve our local products so that we can compete in the global market.

A. لابد أن يسر الإنتاج جنبًا إلى جنب مع الجودة العالمية. وعلينا زيادة وتحسين منتجاتنا المحلية للمنافسة في السوق العالمية والوطن العربي.
B. لابد أن يسر الابتكار جنبًا إلى جنب مع الجودة العالية. وعلينا زيادة تصدير منتجاتنا المحلية لمواجهة المنافسة في السوق العالمية.
C. لابد أن يسر الإنتاج جنبًا إلى جنب مع الجودة العالية. وعلينا زيادة وتحسين منتجاتنا المحلية للمنافسة في السوق العالمية.
D. لابد أن يسر الإنتاج جنبًا إلى جنب مع الكمية العالية. وعلينا زيادة وتحسين منتجاتنا المصرية لمواجهة المنافسة ي كل مكان.