Practice Exercises 2

Choose the correct option from A, B, C or D.

1. You look exhausted! I think you should consider ............... to bed earlier.

A. to go

B. of going

C. going

D. go

2. I like to go to work on time. I usually ............... early to avoid the traffic.

A. sit down

B. turn off

C. catch up

D. set off

3. I don’t think you should risk ............... out in this heat. It’s far too hot right now.

A. going

B. to go

C. go

D. to going

4. Do your parents allow you ............... out later at weekends?

A. stay

B. to stay

C. to staying

D. staying

5. By next October, my father ............... a bigger house.

A. will buy

B. would buy

C. will have bought

D. had bought

6. You can use this expression to say goodbye at the end of an email to a good friend:

A. Kind regards

B. I enjoyed reading your email

C. All the best

D. It’s great to hear from you

7. What can you use when writing an email to a friend?

A. contractions

B. full forms

C. passive voice

D. direct speech

8. Which option is not a good way to finish an email to a close friend?

A. See you soon

B. Yours sincerely

C. Goodbye

D. All the best

9. Which of the following is correctly structured to show regret?

A. I should revise well for the exam.

B. I should have revised well for the exam.

C. I needn’t revise well for the exam.

D. I oughtn’t to have revised well for the exam.

10. ‘Some employees are often overworked and are clearly heading for burnout. Despite this, they carry on as they are aware of the need to increase their productivity’. This could be part of an article about the problem of ............... .

A. mental health and well-being.

B. time management of certain employees.

C. alternative ways of working.

D. the need for companies to increase productivity.

11. Don’t worry; I won’t leave until you ............... .

A. have been arrived

B. will arrive

C. had arrived

D. have arrived

12. My friend .............. the present and tied it in ribbon.

A. tricked

B. appeared

C. trapped

D. wrapped

13. Which of the following sentences is structurally correct?

A. I haven’t seen him for the last time we met in the club.

B. I haven’t seen him since the last time we met in the club.

C. I haven’t seen him since the last time we have met in the club.

D. I didn’t see him since the last time we met in the club.

14. My sister is a nurse. She won a/an .............. for her work during the Coronavirus pandemic.

A. competition

B. medal

C. award

D. race

15. .............. I had heard the good news, I immediately congratulated my friend.

A. Then

B. So

C. Once

D. Before

16. Hazem always works to a plan and organizes his time perfectly. He has an excellent .............. skill.

A. time consuming

B. procrastination

C. time management

D. critical thinking

17. Which of the following is structurally correct?

A. I won’t go home until I had finished all my work.

B. I won’t go home until I finished all my work.

C. I didn’t go home until I have finished all my work.

D. I didn’t go home until I had finished all my work.

18. My father advises me to stop studying when I feel exhausted because my concentration .............. .

A. increases

B. declines

C. improves

D. moves

19. I always try to avoid .............. with bad friends.

A. mixing

B. to mix

C. mix

D. to mixing

20. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

A. Adel, who lives in Aswan, is a part time accountant.

B. Adel, who lives in Aswan is a part-time accountant.

C. Adel, who lives in Aswan, is a part-time accountant.

D. Adel who lives in Aswan, is a part-time accountant.

21. I like reading short stories. Moreover, I am fond of writing poetry. This shows ............. .

A. reason

B. cause

C. addition

D. contrast

22. Which of the following sentences can be used to start an essay on overpopulation ............. .

A. It is crystal clear that overpopulation is one of the biggest challenges we need to face.

B. In conclusion, facing overpopulation is the responsibility of the government as well as individuals.

C. However, still some people insist on having big families.

D. In addition, it is not easy to provide jobs for the increasing numbers of graduates

Read the following passages, then choose the correct option from A, B, C or D.

23. The general idea of the text is that ............. .

A. the possibility of working from home was discovered as a result of the pandemic

B. most people only find positive things about working from home

C. there are advantages and disadvantages to working from home

D. working at home allows you to eat your favourite meals

24. Which one is not an advantage of working from home mentioned in the text?

A. more time with family

B. higher levels of productivity

C. more time to work

D. increased feeling of well-being

25. Which one is not a disadvantage of working from home mentioned in the text?

A. headaches due to lots of screen time

B. less social contact with colleagues

C. increased mental health problems

D. higher cost of bills

26. The text says that the global pandemic increased internet use by nearly 50% ............. .

A. so people suffered mental health problems at home

B. as workers were encouraged to work from home

C. of offices closed as a result

D. to continue working in the office

27. The text says that the employees who had to work from home during the pandemic said ............ .

A. they frequently ate too much

B. they enjoyed seeing their families more

C. they liked being able to work in informal clothes

D. they were frequently working a higher number of hours

28. Which expression in the text means ‘very important’?

A. take into account

B. play a vital role

C. a significant advantage

D. need to be remembered

29. The main idea in the first paragraph is ............ .

A. different mental health problems

B. space exploration

C. the situations astronauts have to face in space

D. the depression the Russian astronaut had

30. Due to the different time in space, ............ .

A. many astronauts have heart diseases

B. a lot of astronauts face problems

C. all astronauts refuse to go to space

D. astronauts find it easy to sleep there

31. Those who want to work as astronauts have to ............. .

A. accompany their families to avoid loneliness

B. make the time of the journey to planets such as Mars less

C. forget all about mental heath

D. learn how to cope with stress

32. The underlined word “conditions” in the first paragraph is a synonym of ............ .

A. terms

B. results

C. causes

D. circumstances

33. The underlined word “This” in the third paragraph refers to ............ .

A. International Space Station

B. blue light

C. the different time

D. the light of the moon

34. The astronauts of the future will surely have a lot more ............ than they had in the past.

A. difficulties

B. facilities

C. time difference

D. problems

35. In the future, mental health problems that astronauts could face are likely to be ............ .

A. fewer

B. more

C. less

D. the same

Read the sentences then choose the correct translation from A, B, C or D.

36. الماء أساس حياة الإنسان والحيوان والنبات، واستخدامه لا يقتصر على الشرب فقط، بل هو أساس الأمن الغذائي بالنسبة للإنسان والحيوان، ذلك لابد من استخدامة بعناية كبيرة.

A. Water is the basis of human, animal and planet life, and its use is not limited to drinking only, but is the basis of food security for humans and animals. Therefore, it must be used with great care.

B. Water is the basis of human, animal and plant life, and its use is not limited to drinking only, but it is also the basis of food security for humans and animals. Therefore, it must be used with great care.

C. Water is the basis of humane, animal and plant life, and its use is not limited to drinking only, but is the basis of food safety for humans and animals. Therefore, it must be used with great care.

D. Water is the basis of human, animal and plant life, and its use is not limited to cooking only, but is the basis of food security for humans and animals. However, it must be used with great care.

37. One’s well-being is high priority to maintain health and social care. Therefore, we should pay more attention to our well-being, so we can have an influential role in life.

A. تُعد الرعاية الصحية أولوية قصوى في الحفاظ على الرعاية الاجتماعية. ومن ثم، يجب أن نولي ذلك العناية الواجبة ليكون لنا دورٌ مؤثرٌ في الحياة.
B. تُعد الرعاية الاجتماعية أولوية قصوى في الحفاظ على الناحية الصحية، ولهذا السبب، يجب أن نولي ذلك العناية الواجبة ليكون لنا دورٌ مؤثرٌ في الحياة.
C. تُعد الرعاية الاجتماعية أولوية عالية في الحفاظ على الصحة النفسية، ومن أجل هذا، يجب أن نولي المزيد من الاهتمام للرفاهية ليكون لنا دورٌ مؤثرٌ في الحياة.
D. يُعد الاهتمام بالنفس أولوية عالية في الحفاظ على الرعاية الصحية والاجتماعية. ولذلك، يجب أن نولي المزيد من الاهتمام بأنفسنا ليكون لنا دورٌ مؤثرٌ في الحياة.

38. Encouraging people to work from home is very useful in times of epidemics. This, in turn, helps us to save time and effort and keeps us away from infection.

A. إن تشجيع الناس عى الإقامة في المنزل مفيد للغاية في وقت انتشار الأوبئة. وهذا بدوره يساعدنا على توفر الوقت والابتعاد عن العدوى.
B. إن تشجيع الناس عى العمل من المنزل ملائم للغاية في وقت انتشار الأوبئة. وهذا بدوره يساعدنا على توفير المال واجهد والابتعاد عن العدوى.
C. إن تشجيع الناس على العمل من المنزل مفيد للغاية في وقت انتشار الأوبئة. وهذا بدوره يساعدنا على توفير الوقت والجهد والابتعاد عن العدوى.
D. تشجع الحكومة الناس على العمل من المنزل لأنه مفيد للغاية في وقت علاج الأوبئة. وهذا بدوره يساعدنا على توفير الوقت والجهد وتقليل العدوى.

39. Reading is very useful. It stimulates the memory centres of your mind and arouses your imagination. Also, it helps recall information and stabilise your emotions.

A. القراءة شيقة جدًا. فهي تحفز مراكز الذكرى ي عقلك وتثير خيالك. كا أنها تساعد في استدعاء المعلومات وكذلك استعراض عواطفك.
B. القراءة مفيدة جدًا. فهي تحفز مراكز الذاكرة ي عقلك وتثير خيالك. كا أنها تساعد في استدعاء المعلومات وكذلك استقرار عواطفك.
C. القراءة مفيدة جدًا. فهي تبني مراكز الذاكرة ي عقلك وتُثري خيالك. كا أنها تساعد في زيادة المعلومات وكذلك استقرار عواطفك.
D. القراءة مفيدة جدًا. فهي تحفز مراكز الذاكرة ي خيالك، وتثير عقلك. كا أنها تساعد في استدعاء المعلومات وكذلك استمرار عواطفك.