Practice Exercises 3

Choose the correct option from A, B, C or D.

1. The lawyer accused the prisoner ................. in his statement.

A. of lying

B. to lie

C. with lying

D. of lie

2. I went to university to get this degree in physics, which means I am now a ................ physicist.

A. lecturer

B. important

C. role model

D. qualified

3. The Egyptian tennis player got into the final ................. of the tournament.

A. court

B. Grand Slams

C. round

D. team

4. The team ................. training together for months before they were given the chance to compete.

A. have been

B. had been

C. has been

D. will have been

5. I expected my friend to help me, but he let me ................ .

A. in

B. off

C. down

D. to

6. When starting an email to a friend, it is a good idea to ......

A. say that you will write to them soon.

B. ask about their school friends.

C. give the necessary information they are looking for.

D. ask how they are and tell them something about you.

7. Which expressions can you not use to start your final paragraph in an essay?

A. To sum up

B. In conclusion

C. To conclude

D. Firstly

8. Which expressions introduce a sequence of ideas in an essay? There is more than one answer.

A. In conclusion, Lastly, In summary

B. On the one hand, On the other hand

C. However, In contrast, Nevertheless

D. Firstly, Secondly, Finally

9. Which of the following is correctly structured?

A. I met Eissa last week. I haven’t met him since 2018.

B. I met Eissa last week. I hadn’t met him since 2018.

C. I will meet Eissa next week. I hadn’t met him since 2018.

D. I have met Eissa last week. I hadn’t met since 2018.

10. ‘This physicist, who broke all the stereotypes of the time, is now a much admired role model for many aspiring female scientists’. This could be part of an article about ......

A. the inspiration of historic female figures.

B. the difficulties male scientists face in their jobs.

C. why it is necessary to be passionate about your job.

D. why science is not an easy area to work in.

11. Efficient teachers usually use different strategies to assess students’ ............... at school.

A. replacement

B. movement

C. achievement

D. encouragement

12. It is not easy to make Peter ............... his mind; he’s very stubborn.

A. to change

B. changes

C. change

D. to changing

13. Scientists are still trying to discover more and more about the ............... around us.

A. universe

B. astronomers

C. astronauts

D. superstitions

14. Which of the following sentences is structurally correct?

A. No sooner I had typed the report than I emailed the manager.

B. No sooner had I typed the report than I emailed the manager.

C. I had no sooner typed the report when I emailed the manager.

D. No sooner I had typed the report when I emailed the manager.

15. The government has designed a new system to ............... with the floods we sometimes have in coastal cities.

A. cure

B. carry

C. cope

D. care

16. My uncle .............. as a sales manager for twenty years, but now he has his own business.

A. had worked

B. is working

C. has worked

D. worked

17. A .............. Is the place where people are buried.

A. museum

B. graveyard

C. shipyard

D. mansion

18. I haven’t travelled to my village by train .............. my early childhood.

A. when

B. ago

C. for

D. since

19. The police are looking for a/an .............. who has escaped from prison.

A. officer

B. victim

C. convict

D. guard

20. Which of the following is structurally correct?

A. Since years, I haven’t played football.

B. It’s years since I have last played football.

C. It’s years since I played football.

D. I had played football years ago.

21. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

A. Ahmad studied six subjects last term Arabic, English, biology, chemistry German and physics.

B. Ahmad studied six subjects last term: Arabic English, biology, chemistry, German and physics

C. Ahmad studied six subjects last term: Arabic, English, biology, chemistry, German and physics.

D. Ahmad studied six subjects last term Arabic, English, biology chemistry, German and physics.

22. One of the following sentences can’t be used when you conclude an essay on the advantages of the internet:

A. To sum up, the internet is one of the most useful inventions.

B. In my opinion, the internet has a lot of drawbacks in case we use it badly.

C. In conclusion, the internet is very useful to all of us.

D. In brief, the internet has made the world a small village.

Read the following passage then choose the correct option from A, B, C or D.

23. The general idea of the text is ...

A. that technology will continue to offer solutions for teachers and students.

B. that artificial intelligence will allow teachers to have more free time.

C. that jobs in the future are in danger as a result of artificial intelligence.

D. that teachers will have more work to do in the future.

24. According to the passage, AI can ...

A. help students only.

B. help teachers and students.

C. replace teachers.

D. hinders teachers’ productivity.

25. How does the text say AI can help teachers in the future?

A. It will allow them to create tests for students more quickly.

B. It will increase their productivity by taking on repetitive jobs.

C. It will allow teachers to enjoy new hobbies and interests.

D. It will mean they will get paid less as they will work less.

26. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage:

A. A lot of people are afraid that technology will replace them.

B. We should not depend on technology.

C. AI can reduce teachers’ workloads.

D. Technology can help teachers to be more creative.

27. Learning Management Systems offer AI solutions which ...

A. will replace many classroom teachers in the future.

B. might provide solutions to some teachers online.

C. will not be so effective for teachers who do not teach online.

D. can help online teachers with many of the things they need to do.

28. Which expression in the text means ‘things you have to do every day’?

A. every other day

B. needs

C. day-to-day

D. ever since

29. The best title for the passage is .............. .

A. Mental health

B. The effects of work on health

C. Work and productivity

D. Creativity and productivity

30. According to the passage, we should .............. .

A. increase productivity according to the money we get

B. do extra work however tired we are

C. work even when we are exhausted to earn more and feel happier

D. work when we aren’t exhausted to be productive and feel happier

31. The economist, Nolan Pope, .............. .

A. considered the relation between working hours and pay

B. stated that a person doing 70 hours a week could do the same amount of work as a person doing 55 hours

C. studied the relation between the time of day and productivity

D. concluded that extra working hours do not increase productivity

32. People in Egypt work an average of nearly .............. hours a day, six days a week.

A. five

B. seven

C. nine

D. eleven

33. Extra working hours do not .............. .

A. necessarily mean increasing productivity

B. mean getting extra pay

C. cause burnout

D. happen all over the world

34. According to the passage, working hours in Egypt are ……… most other countries.

A. nearly the same as

B. a lot fewer than

C. different from

D. aren’t like

35. People’s productivity could decline after they work 50 hours a week. Decline is an antonym of …...

A. remove

B. decrease

C. increase

D. agree

36. The underlined word these in the fourth paragraph refers to ……... .

A. effects of work

B. other studies

C. certain times

D. working hours

Read the sentences then choose the correct translation from A, B, C or D.

37. لابد أن تتعلم كيفية إدارة الوقت وترتيب أولوياتك حتى تنجز الكثير من المهام المختلفة بكفاءة وفي وقت مناسب، وهذا بالتأكيد يجعلك شخصاً منتجاً وناجحًا في احياة.

A. You must learn how to arrange your time and manage your priorities in order to accomplish a lot of different tasks efficiently promptly. This definitely makes you a productive and successful person in life.

B. You must learn how to manage your time and arrange your priorities to accomplish a lot of different tasks sufficiently promptly. This definitely makes you a productive and successful person in career.

C. You must learn how to manage your time and arrange your priorities to accomplish a lot of different tasks efficiently in a timely manner. This definitely makes you a productive and successful person in life.

D. You must learn when to manage your time and arrange your priorities in order to refresh a lot of different tasks efficiently in a timely manner. This definitely makes you a consumer and successful person in life.

38. خلال العام أو العامين المقبلين، سيعمل معظمنا عبر الإنترنت بمساعدة الذكاء الاصطناعي. هل تعتقد أن هذا سيمكننا من تحقيق المزيد من التقدم؟

A. Within the next year or two, most of us will be working online with the help of Artificial Intelligence. Do you think this will enable us to achieve more progress?

B. Within the next year or two, all of us will be working online with the help of Artificial Intelligence. Do you think this will enable us achieve more progress?

C. With the next year or two, most of us will be working online with the help of Artificial Intelligence. Do you think this will enable us to believe more progress?

D. Within the next years, most of us will be working online with the help of Artificial Intelligence. Do

you think this will enable us to realize more ambitions?

39. You should be ambitious. You must always have some targets and a role model to motivate you to do your best to accomplish all your dreams in life.

A. يجب أن تكون طموحاً. فلابد أن يكون لديك دائمًا مجموعة من الأحام ونموذج يُحتذى به لتحفيزك عى بذل قصارى جهدك لتحقيق كل أهدافك في الحياة.
B. يجب أن تكون صالحاً. فلابد أن يكون لديك دائمًا مجموعة من الأهداف ونموذج عالمي لتحفيزك عى بذل قصارى جهدك لتحقيق كل أحلامك في الحياة.
C. يجب أن تكون طموحاً. فلابد أن يكون لديك دامًا كمية من اأموال وموذج يُتذى به لتحفيزك عى بذل قصارى جهدك لتحقيق بعض أحلامك في الحياة.
D. يجب أن تكون طموحاً. فلابد أن يكون لديك دائمًا مجموعة من الأهداف ونموذج يُحتذى به لتحفيزك عى بذل قصارى جهدك لتحقيق كل أحلامك في الحياة.

40. Education is one of the most important forms of investment. This, in turn, enables the ministry of education to create productive and creative citizens.

A. يُعد التعلم من أهم أشكال الاستثمار. وهذا بدوره يمُكّن الدولة من خلق مواطنين منتجين ومبدعين.
B. يُعتبر التعليم من أهم أشكال الاستثمار. وهذا بدوره يمُكّن وزارة التربية والتعليم من خلق مواطنين منتجين ومبدعين.
C. إن التعليم من أهم نتائج الاستثمار. وهذا بدوره يحفز الحكومة من خلق مواطنين منتجين ومبدعين.
D. التعليم من أقل أشكال الاستثمار. وهذا بدوره يعوق وزارة التربية والتعليم من خلق مواطنين منتجين ومبدعين.