Lesson 1


2. Read the article. What challenges did each person have to overcome? Write R for Rehab, A for Angela or N if neither of them faced this challenge.

1. Being different to other people in terms of her height. A
2. Having a physical problem with her leg. R
3. There weren’t a lot of women who had the career that she wanted to have when she started. R
4. Not having a family who supported her as she was growing up and starting out in her career. N
5. People believing that she couldn’t have the career that she wanted to have because of something that made her different to other people. A


3. Complete the sentences about Rehab and Angela with the correct adjectives and adverbs.

lesson 1(3)

1. Rehab had hardly ever done any sport before she started doing powerlifting.
2. Rehab became enthusiastic about her new sport very quickly.
3. Rehab’s achievements are very inspiring for other women who are interested in powerlifting.
4. Angela didn’t receive different treatment from her family because she had Down’s Syndrome.
5. Angela’s parents encouraged her to work hard and this helped her to achieve an important position at work.
6. Angela is able to do her current job in a perfectly normal way.