Lesson 3


1. Listen to Youssef’s presentation about a successful person. Answer the questions about the person Youssef chose.

1. What is the person’s first name and when was he born?

His name is Mahmoud and he was born in 1999.

2. Where is he from?

He’s from Egypt.

3. What has he achieved?

In a video online. He was at an event called the World Youth Forum in Sharm el Sheikh.

4. Why does Youssef think he is successful?

It shows us that you don’t have to wait until you grow up to achieve the things that you want to achieve.

2. Match the techniques you can use to make your presentation sound more interesting (1-5) with the example sentences and questions (a-e).

1. Asking a rhetorical question (a question that you don’t expect to get an answer to). e. So why did he decide to become a professional tennis player?

2. Comparing one thing with another thing to explain the first thing. a. When she walked into the room she looked as beautiful and elegant as a swan.

3. Pausing for a few seconds after saying something that you want the audience to remember. b. She was the first … Paralympic athlete in her weight category to lift such a heavy weight.

4. Telling a story about something that happened to you which is connected to the topic of your talk. d. When I was younger, I also dreamed of being an actor, but she didn’t just dream about acting as a child, she was in some famous films and TV shows at a young age.

5. Using a photo, picture or diagram to show the audience something that you’re talking about or some information about it. c. If you look at this diagram, you can see how his company’s profits have increased significantly over the last fifteen years.

3. Listen to Youssef’s presentation again. Tick (✓) the techniques that Youssef uses to make his presentation sound more interesting.


1. Rhetorical questions
2. Comparing things
3. Pausing for a few seconds
4. Telling a story
5. Using visual aids