Lesson 6

Before you start

Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

1. Why is Pip shocked when he sees Estella again?

Pip was shocked because Estella was more beautiful than ever. As a result, he did not recognise her immediately.

2. Why does Pip decide not to see Joe again? What do you think about his decision?

Pip decides to not see Joe again because he has changed and has become a gentleman, so Pip did not want to contact any of his old friends. Estella also told him that his old friends wouldn’t be good enough for him.


1. Complete the sentences with these words from the story.

lesson 6

1. My sister looked very elegant in her new long, black dress.
2. I’m very jealous of my cousin because she’s just got a new tablet.
3. I was so shocked when we won the competition. I needed a few minutes to recover.
4. The job of a gatekeeper is to open and close a gate, to decide who can enter the property.
5. I absolutely adore my aunt. She’s one of my favourite people.
6. Don’t worry about anything at all. Just leave it to me.
7. You don’t have to whisper, no one can hear us.
8. We were warned to keep away from that part of the city at night.
9. Sara is a client of mine. She comes to my salon every week to get her hair done.
10 We’re planning to dismiss Robert from his position because he isn’t doing a very good job.
11. I’m going to decide for myself which job I want to do and I won’t let anyone else influence me.


2. Number the sentences in the order that the events happened in this part of the story.

a. Pip tells Herbert that he cares for Estella and Herbert responds that she won’t make him happy. 4

b. At dinner, Mr Jaggers promises to dismiss Orlick as Miss Havisham’s gatekeeper. 2

c. Pip goes to visit Miss Havisham for the first time in a year and sees Estella again. 1

d. Pip finally feels sure that Estella won’t make him happy. 6

e. Estella and Pip travel to Richmond. 5

f. Pip takes a walk in the village, but doesn’t talk to any of the village people and keeps away from Joe. 3


3. Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

1. How does Estella explain the way she behaved towards Pip?

Estella says that she behaves the way she does towards Pip because she has no heart and is neither good nor bad.

2. What does Pip decide about Joe?

Pip decides that he won’t see Joe again because of Estella’s comment. Estella has made him ashamed of where he comes from.

4. The writer doesn’t only tell us what Pip does and says, but also what he’s thinking and feeling. This is called the character’s inner voice. Find another sentence or sentences in the text where the writer uses Pip’s inner voice. Write them in your notebook.

When she looked up and I could see her face, I realised it was Estella!
I agreed with her. And at that moment, I made the decision not to see Joe again.
That evening, as we all ate dinner together, I noticed that Mr Jaggers did not look at Estella at all. But she looked at him often. It gave me a strange feeling.
When Estella arrived in London, some weeks later, I thought once again that she reminded me of someone.
Just then, our carriage passed under a street light and I knew again that she reminded me of someone.
I was delighted and thought it would be wonderful if I married Estella and lived in Richmond with her. But in my heart, I knew the truth; Estella would never make me happy.

5. Which verbs or verb phrases does the writer use in Exercise 4 to show that he’s describing Pip’s inner voice?

realised; agreed; made the decision; noticed; gave me a strange feeling; thought, reminded, knew; (be) delighted.


6. Read this part of the text again. Write another sentence in your notebook describing what Estella’s inner voice might be telling her at this moment.

Estella noticed that it was important to her that Pip came to visit her in Richmond.
Estella realised that Pip does not quite know what is expected of him.
Estella thought it would be pleasant to spend more time with Pip in Richmond.