Lesson 1


1. Match the words and phrases in the box with the definitions.

lesson 1(4)

1. a person who is working at a company for a short time to get work experience intern.
2. a job someone does for the whole of the working week full-time.
3. a job someone only does for some of the working week part-time.
4. when someone works for a company to get work experience internship.
5. a person who is interested in getting a specific job candidate.
6. the department who finds people to work and organises training at a company human resources (HR).
7. a summary of a person’s education, experience and skills curriculum vitae (CV).


2. Read the CV of a student from the UK who’s applying for an internship. Complete the CV using the headings to help you.

lesson 1(5)

1. Contact information
2. Personal statement
3. Education
4. Work experience
5. Skills
6. Interests and hobbies

3. Read the CV again. Complete the sentences about Emma with the correct word or words.

1. Emma can be contacted by post, on the phone or by email.
2. While at school, Emma studied three subjects.
3. While at school, Emma received a prize for excellence in Economics.
4. Emma’s second job was working as a social media assistant.
5. Emma has experience of working on international projects.
6. Emma is able to create a website.
7. While at school Emma played the violin.
8. In her free time, Emma helps to look after old people.