Lesson 3


1. A student has applied for an internship at a company. Listen to his interview. What topics does the interviewer ask Nabeel about?

She asked him to introduce himself, to talk about his school subjects, interests and work experience.

2. Listen again. Complete the interviewer’s notes about the candidate with the correct word or words.

● Name: (1) Nabeel El Gamal.

● Interested in an internship in the (2) product team.

● Favourite school subject: (3) Business Studies.

● Recently took part in a (4) competition to develop a start-up idea.

● Some experience of working in (5) sales.

● Very good at helping (6) customers but needs to spend less time (7) talking to them.


3. Complete the sentences with the passive forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. I believe that customers should be listened to. (should/listen to)
2. I could be persuaded (could/persuade) to move abroad to do an internship for six months.
3. I might be asked (might/ask) to play for the youth basketball team next year.
4. I’m hoping to be offered (hope/offer) a permanent job at the company.